te::map Namespace Reference

Namespace for the Map Tools module of TerraLib. More...




class  AbstractChartRenderer
 This is the base class for chart renderers. More...
class  AbstractExternalGraphicRenderer
 An abstract class for conversion of Symbology Enconding ExternalGraphic elements to an image pattern. More...
class  AbstractLayer
 This is the base class for layers. More...
class  AbstractLayerRenderer
 It renders the objects associated to an abstract layer. i.e. a generic renderer. More...
class  AbstractLayerRendererFactory
 This is the concrete factory for renderers of a AbstractLayer. i.e. builds a generic renderer. More...
class  AbstractMapDisplay
 It defines the concept of a map display responsible for controlling how a set of layers are displayed. More...
class  AbstractMarkRenderer
 An abstract class for conversion of Symbology Enconding Mark elements to an image pattern. More...
class  AbstractRenderer
 It renders the objects associated to a layer. More...
class  Canvas
 A canvas is an abstraction of a drawing area. More...
class  CanvasConfigurer
 A Symbology Enconding visitor that configures a given canvas based on symbolizers elements. If you want to use this visitor, use a command like: te::map::CanvasConfigurer cc(canvas); cc.config(symbolizer); More...
class  Chart
 This class represents the informations needed to build map charts. More...
class  ChartRendererManager
 This is a singleton for managing chart renderer instance available in the system. More...
struct  CompareAbstractLayerPtrTitle
class  DataSetAdapterLayer
 A layer with reference to a DataSetTypeConverter. More...
class  DataSetLayer
 A layer with reference to a dataset. More...
class  ExternalGraphicRendererManager
 This is a singleton for managing all external graphic renderers instances available in the system. More...
class  FilterEncoder
 A visitor that converts a TerraLib Expression to OGC Filter Expression. More...
class  FolderLayer
 A layer that can be used as a container for other kind of layers. More...
class  Grouping
 This class contains the parameters needed for grouping the values of a Property. More...
class  MapDisplay
 This class controls how a set of layers are displayed. More...
class  MarkRendererManager
 This is a singleton for managing all mark renderers instances available in the system. More...
struct  MarkRendererParams
class  Module
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Map Tools module entry. More...
class  QueryEncoder
 A visitor that converts a OGC Filter Expression to TerraLib Expression. More...
class  QueryLayer
 A layer resulting from a query. More...
class  QueryLayerRenderer
 It renders the objects associated to a query layer. More...
class  QueryLayerRendererFactory
 This is the concrete factory for renderers of a QueryLayer. More...
class  RasterContrast
 This class contains the parameters needed to apply dynamic contrast over a raster. More...
class  RasterLayer
 A layer with reference to a raster. More...
class  RasterTransform
 A Raster Transform is a class that defines functions to transform a styled raster. More...
class  RasterTransformConfigurer
 A Raster Transform configurer generates a Raster Transform given a RasterSymbolzier. More...
class  RendererFactory
 This is the abstract factory for layer renderers. More...
class  WorldDeviceTransformer
 This class implements the logic for transforming from device coordinate to world coordinate and vice-versa. More...


typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< AbstractLayerAbstractLayerPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< DataSetAdapterLayerDataSetAdapterLayerPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< DataSetLayerDataSetLayerPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< FolderLayerFolderLayerPtr
typedef te::da::DataSetType LayerSchema
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< QueryLayerQueryLayerPtr
typedef boost::intrusive_ptr< RasterLayerRasterLayerPtr


enum  AlignType {
  Top = 1 , Center = 2 , Bottom = 3 , Left = 4 ,
  Right = 5
 This enum contains values to control the alignment of components (like Canvas and MapDisplay). More...
enum  ChartType { Pie , Bar }
 The chart types. More...
enum  CompositionMode {
  SourceOver , DestinationOver , Clear , Source ,
  Destination , SourceIn , DestinationIn , SourceOut ,
  DestinationOut , SourceAtop , DestinationAtop , Xor ,
  Plus , Multiply , Screen , Overlay ,
  Darken , Lighten , ColorDodge , ColorBurn ,
  HardLight , SoftLight , Difference , Exclusion
 The composition mode used to render the canvas. More...
 The grouping type associated to the layer. More...
enum  ImageType {
  UNKNOWN = 0 , PNG = 1 , JPEG = 2 , GIF = 3 ,
  BMP = 4 , XPM = 5 , XBM = 6 , WBMP = 7 ,
  TIFF = 8
 This enum specifies the possible input and output image formats supported by the canvas API. More...
enum  LineCapStyle { ButtCap = 0x00 , SquareCap = 0x10 , RoundCap = 0x20 }
 This enum encodes enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string). More...
enum  LineDashStyle {
  NoLine = 0 , SolidLine = 1 , DashLine = 2 , DotLine = 3 ,
  DashDotLine = 4 , DashDotDotLine = 5 , CustomDashLine = 6
 This enum encodes enumerated values telling how lines should be drawn. e.g. as a plain line or dash line, etc. More...
enum  LineJoinStyle { MiterJoin = 0x00 , BevelJoin = 0x40 , RoundJoin = 0x80 }
 This enum encodes enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments). More...
enum  PtMarkerType {
  MarkerNone = 0 , MarkerSquare = 1 , MarkerDiamond = 2 , MarkerCircle = 3 ,
  MarkerCrossedCircle = 4 , MarkerSemiEllipseLeft = 5 , MarkerSemiEllipseRight = 6 , MarkerSemiEllipseUp = 7 ,
  MarkerSemiEllipseDown = 8 , MarkerTriangleLeft = 9 , MarkerTriangleRight = 10 , MarkerTriangleUp = 11 ,
  MarkerTriangleDown = 12 , MarkerFourRays = 13 , MarkerCross = 14 , MarkerX = 15 ,
  MarkerDash = 16 , MarkerDot = 17 , MarkerPixel = 18 , MarkerPattern = 19
 Each layer can have three states of visibility. More...


TEMAPEXPORT double AdjustToPrecision (double val, int precision, bool reduce=false)
 It adjusts a value to the precision specified. More...
TEMAPEXPORT int CalculatePlanarZone (te::gm::Envelope latLongBox)
 Calculates the UTM zone from a Geographic envelope. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void CopyAbstractLayerInfo (const te::map::AbstractLayer *refLayer, te::map::AbstractLayer *layer)
 Make a copy of refLayer abstract attributes to layer. Creating new id. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarker (PtMarkerType type, int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It creates a point marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerCircle (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a circle marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerCross (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a cross marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerCrossedCircle (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a colorssed circle marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerDash (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a dash marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerDiamond (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a diamond marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerDot (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a dot marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerFourRays (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It creates a four rays marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerPixel (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a pixel marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerSemiEllipseDown (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi ellipse down marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerSemiEllipseLeft (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi ellipse left marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerSemiEllipseRight (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi ellipse right marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerSemiEllipseUp (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi ellipse left marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerSquare (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a square marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerTriangleDown (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi triangle down marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerTriangleLeft (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi triangle left marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerTriangleRight (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi triangle right marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerTriangleUp (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a semi triangle up marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor ** CreateMarkerX (int width, const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It create a x marker. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::da::DataSetDataSet2Memory (te::da::DataSet *dataset)
 It creates a new In-Memory dataset with the items from the given dataset. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawGeometries (te::da::DataSet *dataset, const std::size_t &gpos, Canvas *canvas, int fromSRID, int toSRID, te::common::TaskProgress *task=0)
 It draws the data set geometries in the given canvas using the informed SRS. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawGeometries (te::da::DataSetType *type, te::da::DataSourcePtr ds, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int bboxSRID, int srid, te::se::FeatureTypeStyle *style)
 It draws the data set geometries in the given canvas using the informed SRID and style. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawGraphicStroke (const te::se::Graphic *graphic, const te::gm::Geometry *geom, Canvas *canvas, double gap, double initialGap=0., double offset=0.)
 It draws the geometry in the given canvas with marks. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawGraphicStroke (const te::se::Symbolizer *symbolizer, const te::gm::Geometry *geom, Canvas *canvas)
 It draws the geometry in the given canvas with marks. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawGraphicStrokeLine (const te::se::Graphic *graphic, const te::gm::LineString *lineString, Canvas *canvas, double gap, double initialGap=0., double offset=0.)
 It draws the geometry in the given canvas with marks. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawPointAlongLine (const te::gm::LineString *line, Canvas *canvas, const te::se::Graphic *graphic, double gap, double initialGap)
 It draws marks along a line in the given canvas. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawRaster (te::da::DataSetType *type, te::da::DataSourcePtr ds, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int bboxSRID, const te::gm::Envelope &visibleArea, int srid, te::se::CoverageStyle *style, te::map::RasterContrast *rc, const double &scale, bool *cancel)
TEMAPEXPORT void DrawRaster (te::rst::Raster *raster, Canvas *canvas, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int bboxSRID, const te::gm::Envelope &visibleArea, int srid, te::se::CoverageStyle *style, te::map::RasterContrast *rc, const double &scale, bool *cancel)
TEMAPEXPORT void GetDashStyle (const std::string &dasharray, std::vector< double > &style)
 Converts a dasharray pattern coded by a string to a vector of double. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::da::DataAccessPtr GetDataAccess (te::map::AbstractLayerPtr absLayer)
 It gets the dataAccess that can be used to access data information from the given layer. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope GetExtent (const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers, int srid, bool onlyVisibles)
 It calculates the extent of the given layers in the given SRID. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope GetExtent (const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr &layer, int srid, bool onlyVisibles)
 It calculates the extent of the given layer in the given SRID. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::rst::RasterGetExtentRaster (te::rst::Raster *raster, int w, int h, const te::gm::Envelope &bbox, int bboxSRID, const te::gm::Envelope &visibleArea, int srid)
TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::GeomType GetGeomType (const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr &layer)
 It gets the geometry type of the given layer. More...
TEMAPEXPORT std::list< te::map::AbstractLayer * > GetPlainLayerList (const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &listLayersTree)
 From the given layer list containing an optional hierarchical structure, returns a plain list without any hierarchy. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::rst::RasterGetRaster (AbstractLayer *layer)
 It gets the raster referenced by the given data set layer. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::rst::RasterPropertyGetRasterProperty (AbstractLayer *layer)
 It gets the raster property referenced by the given data set layer. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope GetSelectedExtent (const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > layers, int srid, bool onlyVisibles)
 It calculates the extent of selected objects of the given layers in the given SRID. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope GetSelectedExtent (const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer, int srid, bool onlyVisibles)
 It calculates the extent of selected objects of the given layer in the given SRID. More...
TEMAPEXPORT std::string GetUTMProj4FromZone (int zone)
 Returns proj4 string with UTM projection in the specified zone (Only working for south). More...
TEMAPEXPORT void GetVisibleLayers (const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayer * > &layers, std::list< te::map::AbstractLayer * > &visibleLayers)
TEMAPEXPORT void GetVisibleLayers (const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &layers, std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &visibleLayers)
 It gets the visible layers of the given layer list. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void GetVisibleLayers (const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr &layer, std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &visibleLayers)
 It gets the visible layers of the given layer. More...
TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope GetWorldBoxInPlanar (const te::gm::Envelope &worldBox, int srid)
 It gets the requested envelope on a UTM planar projection. More...
template<class iterator >
void GroupingByEqualSteps (std::string attrName, iterator begin, iterator end, int nSteps, std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &rules, int precision=0)
 It groups the values defined by a range of iterators using the equal steps algorithm. More...
template<class iterator >
void GroupingByQuantil (std::string attrName, iterator begin, iterator end, int nSteps, std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &rules, int precision=0)
 It groups the values defined by a range of iterators using the quantil algorithm. More...
template<class iterator >
void GroupingByStdDeviation (std::string attrName, iterator begin, iterator end, double nDevs, std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &rules, std::string &meanTitle, int precision=0)
 It groups the values defined by a range of iterators using the standard deviation algorithm. More...
TEMAPEXPORT void GroupingByUniqueValues (std::string attrName, std::vector< std::string > &inputValues, int dataType, std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &rules, int precision)
 It groups the values using the unique value algorithm. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for the Map Tools module of TerraLib.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AbstractLayerPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<AbstractLayer> te::map::AbstractLayerPtr

Definition at line 626 of file AbstractLayer.h.

◆ DataSetAdapterLayerPtr

Definition at line 157 of file DataSetAdapterLayer.h.

◆ DataSetLayerPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<DataSetLayer> te::map::DataSetLayerPtr

Definition at line 148 of file DataSetLayer.h.

◆ FolderLayerPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<FolderLayer> te::map::FolderLayerPtr

Definition at line 123 of file FolderLayer.h.

◆ LayerSchema

Definition at line 66 of file AbstractLayer.h.

◆ QueryLayerPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<QueryLayer> te::map::QueryLayerPtr

Definition at line 186 of file QueryLayer.h.

◆ RasterLayerPtr

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<RasterLayer> te::map::RasterLayerPtr

Definition at line 165 of file RasterLayer.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AlignType

This enum contains values to control the alignment of components (like Canvas and MapDisplay).











Definition at line 125 of file Enums.h.

◆ ChartType

The chart types.


A pie chart.


A bar chart.

Definition at line 164 of file Enums.h.

◆ CompositionMode

The composition mode used to render the canvas.


This is the default mode. The alpha of the source is used to blend the pixel on top of the destination.


The alpha of the destination is used to blend it on top of the source pixels.


The pixels in the destination are cleared (set to fully transparent) independent of the source.


The output is the source pixel. (This means a basic copy operation and is identical to SourceOver when the source pixel is opaque).


The output is the destination pixel. This means that the blending has no effect.


The output is the source, where the alpha is reduced by that of the destination.


The output is the destination, where the alpha is reduced by that of the source.


The output is the source, where the alpha is reduced by the inverse of destination.


The output is the destination, where the alpha is reduced by the inverse of the source.


The source pixel is blended on top of the destination, with the alpha of the source pixel reduced by the alpha of the destination pixel.


The destination pixel is blended on top of the source, with the alpha of the destination pixel is reduced by the alpha of the destination pixel.


The source, whose alpha is reduced with the inverse of the destination alpha, is merged with the destination, whose alpha is reduced by the inverse of the source alpha.


Both the alpha and color of the source and destination pixels are added together.


The output is the source color multiplied by the destination. Multiplying a color with white leaves the color unchanged, while multiplying a color with black produces black.


The source and destination colors are inverted and then multiplied. Screening a color with white produces white, whereas screening a color with black leaves the color unchanged.


Multiplies or screens the colors depending on the destination color. The destination color is mixed with the source color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the destination.


The darker of the source and destination colors is selected.


The lighter of the source and destination colors is selected.


The destination color is brightened to reflect the source color. A black source color leaves the destination color unchanged.


The destination color is darkened to reflect the source color. A white source color leaves the destination color unchanged.


Multiplies or screens the colors depending on the source color. A light source color will lighten the destination color, whereas a dark source color will darken the destination color.


Darkens or lightens the colors depending on the source color. Similar to CompositionMode_HardLight.


Subtracts the darker of the colors from the lighter. Painting with white inverts the destination color, whereas painting with black leaves the destination color unchanged.


Similar to CompositionMode_Difference, but with a lower contrast. Painting with white inverts the destination color, whereas painting with black leaves the destination color unchanged.

Definition at line 175 of file Enums.h.

◆ GroupingType

The grouping type associated to the layer.


If the legend was generated using the equal steps algorithm.


If the legend was generated using the quantil algorithm.


If the legend was generated using the standard deviation algorithm.


If the legend was generated using the unique value algorithm.

Definition at line 151 of file Enums.h.

◆ ImageType

This enum specifies the possible input and output image formats supported by the canvas API.


Unknown Type


Portable Network Graphics (PNG) support.


Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) support.


Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) support.


Window Bitmap (BMP) support.


X PixMap support.


X Bitmap support.


Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap.


Tag Image File Format (TIFF) support.

Definition at line 38 of file Enums.h.

◆ LineCapStyle

This enum encodes enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string).


A square line end that does not cover the end point of the line.


A square line end that covers the end point and extends beyond it by half the line width.


A rounded line end.

Definition at line 72 of file Enums.h.

◆ LineDashStyle

This enum encodes enumerated values telling how lines should be drawn. e.g. as a plain line or dash line, etc.


No line at all.


A plain line.


Dashes separated by a few pixels.


Dots separated by a few pixels.


Alternate dots and dashes.


One dash, two dots, one dash, two dots.


A custom dash pattern. i.e. defined by a serie of double values.

Definition at line 56 of file Enums.h.

◆ LineJoinStyle

This enum encodes enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments).


The outer edges of the lines are extended to meet at an angle, and this area is filled.


The triangular notch between the two lines is filled.


A circular arc between the two lines is filled.

Definition at line 84 of file Enums.h.

◆ PtMarkerType








































icon marker

Definition at line 96 of file Enums.h.

◆ Visibility

Each layer can have three states of visibility.


If the layer is not visible and if it has children layers and they are not visible too.


If the layer is visible or all its children are visible too.


If some of the children layer are visible and some are not.

Definition at line 139 of file Enums.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AdjustToPrecision()

TEMAPEXPORT double te::map::AdjustToPrecision ( double  val,
int  precision,
bool  reduce = false 

It adjusts a value to the precision specified.

valueThe value to be adjusted.
precisionThe precision the given value must be adjusted to.
reduceFlag indicating if the value must be added or subtracted to the value represented by the precision.

\output The value adjusted to the precision specified.

Referenced by GroupingByEqualSteps(), and GroupingByQuantil().

◆ CalculatePlanarZone()

TEMAPEXPORT int te::map::CalculatePlanarZone ( te::gm::Envelope  latLongBox)

Calculates the UTM zone from a Geographic envelope.

latLongBoxGeographic envelope
UTM zone

◆ CopyAbstractLayerInfo()

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::CopyAbstractLayerInfo ( const te::map::AbstractLayer refLayer,
te::map::AbstractLayer layer 

Make a copy of refLayer abstract attributes to layer. Creating new id.

refLayerThe reference layer
layerTarget layer

◆ CreateMarker()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarker ( PtMarkerType  type,
int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It creates a point marker.

typeThe marker type.
widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerCircle()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerCircle ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a circle marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerCross()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerCross ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a cross marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerCrossedCircle()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerCrossedCircle ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a colorssed circle marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerDash()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerDash ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a dash marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerDiamond()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerDiamond ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a diamond marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerDot()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerDot ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a dot marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerFourRays()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerFourRays ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It creates a four rays marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerPixel()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerPixel ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a pixel marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerSemiEllipseDown()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerSemiEllipseDown ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi ellipse down marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerSemiEllipseLeft()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerSemiEllipseLeft ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi ellipse left marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerSemiEllipseRight()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerSemiEllipseRight ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi ellipse right marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerSemiEllipseUp()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerSemiEllipseUp ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi ellipse left marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerSquare()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerSquare ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a square marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerTriangleDown()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerTriangleDown ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi triangle down marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerTriangleLeft()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerTriangleLeft ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi triangle left marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerTriangleRight()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerTriangleRight ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi triangle right marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerTriangleUp()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerTriangleUp ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a semi triangle up marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ CreateMarkerX()

TEMAPEXPORT te::color::RGBAColor** te::map::CreateMarkerX ( int  width,
const te::color::RGBAColor color 

It create a x marker.

widthThe marker width.
colorThe marker color.
The The marker: a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ DataSet2Memory()

TEMAPEXPORT te::da::DataSet* te::map::DataSet2Memory ( te::da::DataSet dataset)

It creates a new In-Memory dataset with the items from the given dataset.

datasetThe dataset which will provide the items. Do not pass NULL!
A new In-Memory dataset.
The new dataset will not have a transactor associated to it.
To copy all items the caller is responsible for informing the dataset in the right position. i.e. at before begin.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

◆ DrawGeometries() [1/2]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawGeometries ( te::da::DataSet dataset,
const std::size_t &  gpos,
Canvas canvas,
int  fromSRID,
int  toSRID,
te::common::TaskProgress task = 0 

It draws the data set geometries in the given canvas using the informed SRS.

datasetThe data set that will be drawn.
gposThe geometry property position that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
fromSRIDThe SRID of data set geometries.
sridThe SRID to be used to draw the data set geometries.
taskAn optional task that can be used cancel the draw process.

◆ DrawGeometries() [2/2]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawGeometries ( te::da::DataSetType type,
te::da::DataSourcePtr  ds,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  bboxSRID,
int  srid,
te::se::FeatureTypeStyle style 

It draws the data set geometries in the given canvas using the informed SRID and style.

The informed bounding box (bbox) is used to constraint the data set to be drawn. Here, we assume that the given bbox was pre-processed. i.e. the bbox was clipped and contains the same projection of data set geometries.

typeThe data set type that describes the data set that will be drawn.
dsA datasource that will be used to retrieve the data set objects.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
bboxThe interest area to render the geometries.
bboxSRIDThe SRID of interest area.
sridThe SRID to be used to draw the data set geometries.
styleThe style that will be used.

◆ DrawGraphicStroke() [1/2]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawGraphicStroke ( const te::se::Graphic graphic,
const te::gm::Geometry geom,
Canvas canvas,
double  gap,
double  initialGap = 0.,
double  offset = 0. 

It draws the geometry in the given canvas with marks.

symbThe geometry style that will be drawn.
geomThe geometry that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
Only geometries will be drawn with marks if the style has the option of Graphic Stroke.

◆ DrawGraphicStroke() [2/2]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawGraphicStroke ( const te::se::Symbolizer symbolizer,
const te::gm::Geometry geom,
Canvas canvas 

It draws the geometry in the given canvas with marks.

symbolizerThe geometry style that will be drawn.
geomThe geometry that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
Only geometries will be drawn with marks if the style has the option of Graphic Stroke.

◆ DrawGraphicStrokeLine()

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawGraphicStrokeLine ( const te::se::Graphic graphic,
const te::gm::LineString lineString,
Canvas canvas,
double  gap,
double  initialGap = 0.,
double  offset = 0. 

It draws the geometry in the given canvas with marks.

symbThe geometry style that will be drawn.
geomThe geometry that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
Only geometries will be drawn with marks if the style has the option of Graphic Stroke.

◆ DrawPointAlongLine()

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawPointAlongLine ( const te::gm::LineString line,
Canvas canvas,
const te::se::Graphic graphic,
double  gap,
double  initialGap 

It draws marks along a line in the given canvas.

lineThe geometry style that will be drawn.
canvasThe canvas were the data set geometries will be drawn.
graphicThe graphic configuration of a mark that will be drawn.
initialGapThe initial gap to draw marks in a line.
gapThe gap between marks.
Only geometries will be drawn with marks if the style has the option of Graphic Stroke.

◆ DrawRaster() [1/2]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawRaster ( te::da::DataSetType type,
te::da::DataSourcePtr  ds,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  bboxSRID,
const te::gm::Envelope visibleArea,
int  srid,
te::se::CoverageStyle style,
te::map::RasterContrast rc,
const double &  scale,
bool *  cancel 

◆ DrawRaster() [2/2]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::DrawRaster ( te::rst::Raster raster,
Canvas canvas,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  bboxSRID,
const te::gm::Envelope visibleArea,
int  srid,
te::se::CoverageStyle style,
te::map::RasterContrast rc,
const double &  scale,
bool *  cancel 

◆ GetDashStyle()

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::GetDashStyle ( const std::string &  dasharray,
std::vector< double > &  style 

Converts a dasharray pattern coded by a string to a vector of double.

dasharrayThe dasharray pattern coded by a string.
styleThe vector of double that will be filled with the values extracted from dasharray string.
The dasharray should be specified as an even number of positive values separated by blank space. i.e "10 5 3 4" Here, the values "10" and "3" (in uom) are dashes and the values "5" and "4" are spaces (in uom). The given vector style will be filled with the values: style[0] = 10; style[1] = 5; style[2] = 3; style[3] = 4.

◆ GetDataAccess()

TEMAPEXPORT te::da::DataAccessPtr te::map::GetDataAccess ( te::map::AbstractLayerPtr  absLayer)

It gets the dataAccess that can be used to access data information from the given layer.

absLayerThe layer from which the data will be access
The dataAccess associated to the given layer

◆ GetExtent() [1/2]

TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope te::map::GetExtent ( const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  layers,
int  srid,
bool  onlyVisibles 

It calculates the extent of the given layers in the given SRID.

layersThe layer list that will be consulted.
sridThe result extent SRID.
onlyVisiblesA flag that indicates if the method should consider only the visible layers.
The extent of the given layers in the given SRID.
This method considers the children of layers.

◆ GetExtent() [2/2]

TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope te::map::GetExtent ( const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer,
int  srid,
bool  onlyVisibles 

It calculates the extent of the given layer in the given SRID.

layerThe layer that will be consulted.
sridThe result extent SRID.
onlyVisiblesA flag that indicates if the method should consider only the visible layers.
The extent of the given layer in the given SRID.
This method considers the children of layer.

◆ GetExtentRaster()

TEMAPEXPORT te::rst::Raster* te::map::GetExtentRaster ( te::rst::Raster raster,
int  w,
int  h,
const te::gm::Envelope bbox,
int  bboxSRID,
const te::gm::Envelope visibleArea,
int  srid 

◆ GetGeomType()

TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::GeomType te::map::GetGeomType ( const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer)

It gets the geometry type of the given layer.

layerThe layer that will be consulted.

◆ GetPlainLayerList()

TEMAPEXPORT std::list<te::map::AbstractLayer*> te::map::GetPlainLayerList ( const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  listLayersTree)

From the given layer list containing an optional hierarchical structure, returns a plain list without any hierarchy.

listLayersTreeThe layer list containing an optional hierarchical structure
A plain list without any hierarchy. Caller MUST NOT delete the returned pointers. The will be valid as long as listLayersTree is valid

◆ GetRaster()

TEMAPEXPORT te::rst::Raster* te::map::GetRaster ( AbstractLayer layer)

It gets the raster referenced by the given data set layer.

layerThe data set layer that will be used to retrieve the raster.
The raster referenced by the data set layer.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
ExceptionIt will throw an exception if the raster could not be retrieved.

◆ GetRasterProperty()

TEMAPEXPORT te::rst::RasterProperty* te::map::GetRasterProperty ( AbstractLayer layer)

It gets the raster property referenced by the given data set layer.

layerThe data set layer that will be used to retrieve the raster property.
The raster property referenced by the data set layer.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
ExceptionIt will throw an exception if the raster property could not be retrieved.

◆ GetSelectedExtent() [1/2]

TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope te::map::GetSelectedExtent ( const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layers,
int  srid,
bool  onlyVisibles 

It calculates the extent of selected objects of the given layers in the given SRID.

layersThe layer list that will be consulted.
sridThe result extent SRID.
onlyVisiblesA flag that indicates if the method should consider only the visible layers.
The extent of selected objects of the given layers in the given SRID.
This method considers the children of layers.

◆ GetSelectedExtent() [2/2]

TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope te::map::GetSelectedExtent ( const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr  layer,
int  srid,
bool  onlyVisibles 

It calculates the extent of selected objects of the given layer in the given SRID.

layerThe layer that will be consulted.
sridThe result extent SRID.
onlyVisiblesA flag that indicates if the method should consider only the visible layers.
The extent of the selected objects of the given layer in the given SRID.
This method considers the children of layers.

◆ GetUTMProj4FromZone()

TEMAPEXPORT std::string te::map::GetUTMProj4FromZone ( int  zone)

Returns proj4 string with UTM projection in the specified zone (Only working for south).

proj4 string

◆ GetVisibleLayers() [1/3]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::GetVisibleLayers ( const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayer * > &  layers,
std::list< te::map::AbstractLayer * > &  visibleLayers 

◆ GetVisibleLayers() [2/3]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::GetVisibleLayers ( const std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  layers,
std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  visibleLayers 

It gets the visible layers of the given layer list.

layersThe layer list that will be consulted.
visibleLayersA layer list that will be filled with the visible layers.

◆ GetVisibleLayers() [3/3]

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::GetVisibleLayers ( const te::map::AbstractLayerPtr layer,
std::list< te::map::AbstractLayerPtr > &  visibleLayers 

It gets the visible layers of the given layer.

layerThe layer that will be consulted.
visibleLayersA layer list that will be filled with the visible layers.

◆ GetWorldBoxInPlanar()

TEMAPEXPORT te::gm::Envelope te::map::GetWorldBoxInPlanar ( const te::gm::Envelope worldBox,
int  srid 

It gets the requested envelope on a UTM planar projection.

worldBoxWordBox to be transformed to planar
sridThe WorldBox SRID to transform from

◆ GroupingByEqualSteps()

template<class iterator >
void te::map::GroupingByEqualSteps ( std::string  attrName,
iterator  begin,
iterator  end,
int  nSteps,
std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &  rules,
int  precision = 0 

It groups the values defined by a range of iterators using the equal steps algorithm.

beginThe iterator associated to the first element value.
endThe iterator associated to the last element value.
nStepsThe number of steps.
rulesThe container of rules items.
precisionThe precision to be used in the conversion of the values.
countElementsThe flag indicating if the counting of elements must be done.

\output The groups will be stored in the container of legend items.

Definition at line 96 of file GroupingAlgorithms.h.

References AdjustToPrecision(), te::common::Convert2String(), te::fe::CreateFilterByStep(), MAX, MIN, te::se::Rule::setFilter(), and te::se::Rule::setName().

◆ GroupingByQuantil()

template<class iterator >
void te::map::GroupingByQuantil ( std::string  attrName,
iterator  begin,
iterator  end,
int  nSteps,
std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &  rules,
int  precision = 0 

It groups the values defined by a range of iterators using the quantil algorithm.

beginThe iterator associated to the first element value.
endThe iterator associated to the last element value.
nStepsThe number of steps.
rulesThe container of rules items.
precisionThe precision to be used in the conversion of the values.
countElementsThe flag indicating if the counting of elements must be done.

\output The groups will be stored in the container of legend items.

Definition at line 150 of file GroupingAlgorithms.h.

References AdjustToPrecision(), te::common::Convert2String(), te::fe::CreateFilterByStep(), te::se::Rule::setFilter(), and te::se::Rule::setName().

◆ GroupingByStdDeviation()

template<class iterator >
void te::map::GroupingByStdDeviation ( std::string  attrName,
iterator  begin,
iterator  end,
double  nDevs,
std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &  rules,
std::string &  meanTitle,
int  precision = 0 

It groups the values defined by a range of iterators using the standard deviation algorithm.

beginThe iterator associated to the first element value.
endThe iterator associated to the last element value.
nDevsThe number of deviations.
rulesThe container of rules items.
rmeanThe mean value.
precisionThe precision to be used in the conversion of the values.
countElementsThe flag indicating if the counting of elements must be done.

\output The groups will be stored in the container of legend items.

Definition at line 218 of file GroupingAlgorithms.h.

References te::common::Convert2String(), te::fe::CreateFilterByStep(), MAX, MIN, te::se::Rule::setFilter(), te::se::Rule::setName(), and TE_TR.

◆ GroupingByUniqueValues()

TEMAPEXPORT void te::map::GroupingByUniqueValues ( std::string  attrName,
std::vector< std::string > &  inputValues,
int  dataType,
std::vector< te::se::Rule * > &  rules,
int  precision 

It groups the values using the unique value algorithm.

attrNameThe attribute name used do create the group.
inputValuesThe data to be grouped by unique values.
dataTypeThe data type of the values.
rulesThe container of rules items where the groups will be placed. \precision The precision to be used in the conversion of the values.

\output The groups will be stored in the container of legend items.