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te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel Class Reference

A table model representing a te::da::DataSet. More...

#include <DataSetTableModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel:

Public Member Functions

 DataSetTableModel (QObject *parent=0)
 Constructor. More...
void discardEditions ()
 Discard editions. More...
std::unique_ptr< te::da::DataSetgetEditions (const te::da::DataSetType *type, std::vector< std::set< int > > &ps)
 Returns a memory dataset to be saved. More...
te::da::ObjectIdSetgetObjectIdSet (const int &initRow, const int &finalRow)
 Returns the ObjectIdSet begining with row initRow and ending in finalRow. More...
PromotergetPromoter ()
 Returns the pointer to the promoter being used. More...
bool hasEditions () const
 Returns true if there are unsaved editions. More...
void promote (const te::da::ObjectIdSet *oids)
 Promotes the rows identified by oids. More...
void setDataSet (te::da::DataSet *dset, const bool &clearEditor=true)
 Updates the data being used. More...
void setEditable (const bool &editable)
 Sets if the model is editable or not. More...
void setEnabled (const bool &enabled)
 Enable or disable the dataset presentation. More...
void setPkeysColumns (const std::vector< size_t > &pkeys)
 Sets the columns used as pkeys, for presentation purposes. More...
void showOIdsVisible (const bool &visible)
 Shows an icon for indentify the columns that are used for identify objects. More...
virtual ~DataSetTableModel ()
 Virtual destructor. More...

QAbstractTableModel re-implementation methods.

Re-implementation of QAbstractTableModel methods.

 The dataset being used. More...
int m_currentRow
 An internal row pointer. More...
std::vector< size_t > m_pkeysColumns
 Primary key columns. More...
 Promoter to be used. More...
bool m_OIdsVisible
 Oids icon visibility. More...
bool m_enabled
 Enabling flag. More...
int m_rowCount
 Number of rows. More...
bool m_isEditable
 Flag that indicates if the model is editable. More...
std::unique_ptr< Editor > m_editor
 Pointer to editor. More...
int rowCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const
int columnCount (const QModelIndex &parent) const
QVariant data (const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
QVariant headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex &index) const
bool setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role=Qt::EditRole)
bool insertColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
bool removeColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())

Detailed Description

A table model representing a te::da::DataSet.

Definition at line 68 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DataSetTableModel()

te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::DataSetTableModel ( QObject *  parent = 0)


◆ ~DataSetTableModel()

virtual te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::~DataSetTableModel ( )

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ columnCount()

int te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex &  parent) const

◆ data()

QVariant te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::data ( const QModelIndex &  index,
int  role 
) const

◆ discardEditions()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::discardEditions ( )

Discard editions.

◆ flags()

Qt::ItemFlags te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::flags ( const QModelIndex &  index) const

◆ getEditions()

std::unique_ptr< te::da::DataSet > te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::getEditions ( const te::da::DataSetType type,
std::vector< std::set< int > > &  ps 

Returns a memory dataset to be saved.

typeDataSetType to construct memory dataset.
[out]psPositions of the columns edited for each row.
Memory dataset with editions.

◆ getObjectIdSet()

te::da::ObjectIdSet * te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::getObjectIdSet ( const int &  initRow,
const int &  finalRow 

Returns the ObjectIdSet begining with row initRow and ending in finalRow.

initRowInitial row.
endRowFinal row.
The caller WILL TAKE the ownership of the ObjectIdSet returned.

◆ getPromoter()

Promoter * te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::getPromoter ( )

Returns the pointer to the promoter being used.

Pointer of the promoter being used.
The caller of this method DOES NOT take the ownership of the pointer.

◆ hasEditions()

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::hasEditions ( ) const

Returns true if there are unsaved editions.

True if there are unsaved editions, false otherwise.

◆ headerData()

QVariant te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::headerData ( int  section,
Qt::Orientation  orientation,
int  role 
) const

◆ insertColumns()

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::insertColumns ( int  column,
int  count,
const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 

◆ promote()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::promote ( const te::da::ObjectIdSet oids)

Promotes the rows identified by oids.

\parama oids The identifiers of the rows to be promoted.

◆ removeColumns()

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::removeColumns ( int  column,
int  count,
const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 

◆ rowCount()

int te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex &  parent) const

◆ setData()

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::setData ( const QModelIndex &  index,
const QVariant &  value,
int  role = Qt::EditRole 

◆ setDataSet()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::setDataSet ( te::da::DataSet dset,
const bool &  clearEditor = true 

Updates the data being used.

dsetThe new data set to be used.
clearEditorTrue for reset editions, false to maintain it.
This method DOES TAKE the ownership of dset.

◆ setEditable()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::setEditable ( const bool &  editable)

Sets if the model is editable or not.

editableTrue if the model is editable, false otherwise.

◆ setEnabled()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::setEnabled ( const bool &  enabled)

Enable or disable the dataset presentation.

enabledTrue for show dataSet on table, false to hide it.

◆ setPkeysColumns()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::setPkeysColumns ( const std::vector< size_t > &  pkeys)

Sets the columns used as pkeys, for presentation purposes.

pkeysPositions of the columns that form the primary key.

◆ showOIdsVisible()

void te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::showOIdsVisible ( const bool &  visible)

Shows an icon for indentify the columns that are used for identify objects.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_currentRow

int te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_currentRow

An internal row pointer.

Definition at line 199 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_dataset

te::da::DataSet* te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_dataset

The dataset being used.

Definition at line 197 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_editor

std::unique_ptr<Editor> te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_editor

Pointer to editor.

Definition at line 213 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_enabled

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_enabled

Enabling flag.

Definition at line 207 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_isEditable

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_isEditable

Flag that indicates if the model is editable.

Definition at line 211 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_OIdsVisible

bool te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_OIdsVisible

Oids icon visibility.

Definition at line 205 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_pkeysColumns

std::vector<size_t> te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_pkeysColumns

Primary key columns.

Definition at line 201 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_promoter

Promoter* te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_promoter

Promoter to be used.

Definition at line 203 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

◆ m_rowCount

int te::qt::widgets::DataSetTableModel::m_rowCount

Number of rows.

Definition at line 209 of file DataSetTableModel.h.

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