No Matches

A series of well-known filtering algorithms for images, linear and non-linear.. More...

#include <Filter.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::rp::Filter:


class  InputParameters
 Filter input parameters. More...
class  OutputParameters
 Filter output parameters. More...

Public Member Functions

bool execute (AlgorithmOutputParameters &outputParams) _NOEXCEPT_OP(false)
 Executes the algorithm using the supplied parameters. More...
 Filter ()
const std::string & getErrorMessage () const
 Return the current error message if there is any. More...
bool initialize (const AlgorithmInputParameters &inputParams) _NOEXCEPT_OP(false)
 Initialize the algorithm instance making it ready for execution. More...
bool isInitialized () const
 Returns true if the algorithm instance is initialized and ready for execution. More...
void reset () _NOEXCEPT_OP(false)
 Clear all internal allocated objects and reset the algorithm to its initial state. More...
 ~Filter ()

Protected Types

typedef bool(Filter::* FilterMethodPointerT) (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Type definition for a filter method pointer. More...

Protected Member Functions

bool DilationFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the dilation filter over the source raster band. More...
bool ErosionFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the erosion filter over the source raster band. More...
bool MeanFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the mean filter over the source raster band. More...
bool MedianFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the median filter over the source raster band. More...
bool ModeFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the mode filter over the source raster band. More...
void ResetConvBuffer (unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns)
 Resets the convolution buffer. More...
void ResetConvMatrix (unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns)
 Resets the convolution matrix. More...
bool RobertsFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the Roberts filter over the source raster band. More...
void setErrorMessage (const std::string &newErrorMessage)
 Set the current error message. More...
void setMorfConvMatrix ()
 Reset the convolution matrix and fills it with the user supplied matrix or with 1's if that matrix wasn't supplied. More...
bool SobelFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the Sobel filter over the source raster band. More...
void UpdateConvBuffer (const te::rst::Band &inBand, unsigned int line)
 Updates the convolution buffer with a new raster line (rool up + read new raster line). More...
bool UserDefinedFilter (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)
 Applay the user defined filter over the source raster band. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool OrderFunction (double i, double j)
 Returns true if i < j. More...

Protected Attributes

double ** m_convBuffer
 Convolution Buffer. More...
unsigned int m_convBufferColumns
 Convolution Buffer columns. More...
unsigned int m_convBufferLines
 Convolution Buffer lines. More...
double ** m_convMatrix
 Convolution matrix element. More...
unsigned int m_convMatrixColumns
 Convolution matrix element columns.
unsigned int m_convMatrixLines
 Convolution matrix element lines. More...
Filter::InputParameters m_inputParameters
 Input parameters. More...
bool m_isInitialized
 Is this instance already initialized? More...

Private Attributes

std::string m_errorMessage
 Current error message. More...

Detailed Description

A series of well-known filtering algorithms for images, linear and non-linear..

Definition at line 47 of file Filter.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ FilterMethodPointerT

typedef bool(Filter::* te::rp::Filter::FilterMethodPointerT) (const te::rst::Raster &srcRaster, const unsigned int srcBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &dstRaster, const unsigned int dstBandIdx, const bool useProgress)

Type definition for a filter method pointer.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.
true if ok, false on errors.

Definition at line 167 of file Filter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Filter()

te::rp::Filter::Filter ( )

◆ ~Filter()

te::rp::Filter::~Filter ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ DilationFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::DilationFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the dilation filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ ErosionFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::ErosionFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the erosion filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ execute()

bool te::rp::Filter::execute ( AlgorithmOutputParameters outputParams)

Executes the algorithm using the supplied parameters.

outputParamsOutput parameters.
true if OK, false on errors.
A return error string can be obtained via Algorithm::getErrorMessage()

Implements te::rp::Algorithm.

◆ getErrorMessage()

const std::string & te::rp::Algorithm::getErrorMessage ( ) const

Return the current error message if there is any.

Return the current error message if there is any.

◆ initialize()

bool te::rp::Filter::initialize ( const AlgorithmInputParameters inputParams)

Initialize the algorithm instance making it ready for execution.

inputParamsInput parameters.
true if OK, false on errors.
A return error string can be obtained via Algorithm::getErrorMessage()

Implements te::rp::Algorithm.

◆ isInitialized()

bool te::rp::Filter::isInitialized ( ) const

Returns true if the algorithm instance is initialized and ready for execution.

true if the algorithm instance is initialized and ready for execution.

Implements te::rp::Algorithm.

◆ MeanFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::MeanFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the mean filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ MedianFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::MedianFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the median filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ ModeFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::ModeFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the mode filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ OrderFunction()

static bool te::rp::Filter::OrderFunction ( double  i,
double  j 

Returns true if i < j.

Returns true if i < j.

◆ reset()

void te::rp::Filter::reset ( )

Clear all internal allocated objects and reset the algorithm to its initial state.

Reimplemented from te::rp::Algorithm.

◆ ResetConvBuffer()

void te::rp::Filter::ResetConvBuffer ( unsigned int  lines,
unsigned int  columns 

Resets the convolution buffer.

linesConvolution buffer lines.
columnsConvolution buffer columns.

◆ ResetConvMatrix()

void te::rp::Filter::ResetConvMatrix ( unsigned int  lines,
unsigned int  columns 

Resets the convolution matrix.

linesConvolution matrix lines.
columnsConvolution matrix columns.

◆ RobertsFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::RobertsFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the Roberts filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ setErrorMessage()

void te::rp::Algorithm::setErrorMessage ( const std::string &  newErrorMessage)

Set the current error message.

newErrorMessageNew error message;

◆ setMorfConvMatrix()

void te::rp::Filter::setMorfConvMatrix ( )

Reset the convolution matrix and fills it with the user supplied matrix or with 1's if that matrix wasn't supplied.

◆ SobelFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::SobelFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the Sobel filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

◆ UpdateConvBuffer()

void te::rp::Filter::UpdateConvBuffer ( const te::rst::Band inBand,
unsigned int  line 

Updates the convolution buffer with a new raster line (rool up + read new raster line).

inBandSource raster band.
lineRaster line.
bandRaster band.

◆ UserDefinedFilter()

bool te::rp::Filter::UserDefinedFilter ( const te::rst::Raster srcRaster,
const unsigned int  srcBandIdx,
te::rst::Raster dstRaster,
const unsigned int  dstBandIdx,
const bool  useProgress 

Applay the user defined filter over the source raster band.

srcRasterSource raster.
srcBandIdxSource raster band index.
dstRasterDestination raster.
dstBandIdxDestination raster band index.
useProgressif true, the progress interface must be used.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_convBuffer

double** te::rp::Filter::m_convBuffer

Convolution Buffer.

Definition at line 175 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_convBufferColumns

unsigned int te::rp::Filter::m_convBufferColumns

Convolution Buffer columns.

Definition at line 179 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_convBufferLines

unsigned int te::rp::Filter::m_convBufferLines

Convolution Buffer lines.

Definition at line 177 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_convMatrix

double** te::rp::Filter::m_convMatrix

Convolution matrix element.

Definition at line 181 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_convMatrixColumns

unsigned int te::rp::Filter::m_convMatrixColumns

Convolution matrix element columns.

Definition at line 185 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_convMatrixLines

unsigned int te::rp::Filter::m_convMatrixLines

Convolution matrix element lines.

Definition at line 183 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_errorMessage

std::string te::rp::Algorithm::m_errorMessage

Current error message.

Definition at line 104 of file Algorithm.h.

◆ m_inputParameters

Filter::InputParameters te::rp::Filter::m_inputParameters

Input parameters.

Definition at line 173 of file Filter.h.

◆ m_isInitialized

bool te::rp::Filter::m_isInitialized

Is this instance already initialized?

Definition at line 171 of file Filter.h.

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