No Matches
te::rp Namespace Reference

Namespace for Raster Processing module of TerraLib. More...


namespace  blender
namespace  ca
namespace  radar
 Namespace for Radar Raster Processing.
namespace  rg
namespace  srf
 Namespace related to Spectral Response Functions.


class  AbstractFeeder
 Abstract objects feeder. More...
class  Algorithm
 Raster Processing algorithm base interface. More...
class  AlgorithmInputParameters
 Raster Processing algorithm input parameters base interface. More...
class  AlgorithmOutputParameters
 Raster Processing algorithm output parameters base interface. More...
class  AlgorithmParametersSerializer
 A class to standardize algorithm parameters serialization. More...
class  ArithmeticOperations
 Performs arithmetic operation over raster data. More...
class  Blender
 Blended pixel value calculation for two overlaped rasters. More...
class  BlenderRule
class  Classifier
 Raster classification. More...
class  ClassifierDummyStrategy
 Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes). More...
class  ClassifierDummyStrategyFactory
 Raster dummy Classifier strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierEDStrategy
 Euclidean Distance Classifier strategy. More...
class  ClassifierEDStrategyFactory
 Euclidean Distance strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierEMStrategy
 EM strategy for pixel-based classification. This is an unsupervised and pixel-based classification algorithm. Expectation-Maximization (EM) works iteratively by applying two steps: the E-step (Expectation) and the M-step (Maximization). The method aims to approximate the parameter estimates to real data distribution, along the iterations: More...
class  ClassifierEMStrategyFactory
 Raster EM Classifier strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierISODataStrategy
class  ClassifierISODataStrategyFactory
 Raster ISOData Classifier strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierISOSegStrategy
 ISOSeg strategy for OBIA classification. The algorithm orders regions by area (larger first), and classify the largest region as Cluster 1. All regions similar to this cluster are inserted in Cluster 1, otherwise new Clusters are created. After all regions belong to a cluster, the algorithm merges similar clusters. The acceptance threshold is the only parameter given by the user, and it indicates the maximum distance between two regions to be clustered togheter. More...
class  ClassifierISOSegStrategyFactory
 Raster ISOSeg Classifier strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierKMeansStrategy
 KMeans strategy for image classification. Step-by-step: More...
class  ClassifierKMeansStrategyFactory
 Raster KMeans Classifier strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierMAPStrategy
 Maximum a posteriori probability strategy. More...
class  ClassifierMAPStrategyFactory
 Maximum a posteriori probability strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierMaxLikelihoodStrategy
 A maximum likelihood estimation strategy for classification (a.k.a. MaxVer in portuguese). More...
class  ClassifierMaxLikelihoodStrategyFactory
 Maximum a posteriori probability strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierSAMStrategy
 Spectral Angle Mapper classification strategy. More...
class  ClassifierSAMStrategyFactory
 Spectral Angle Mapper strategy factory. More...
class  ClassifierStrategy
 Raster classifier strategy base class. More...
class  ClassifierStrategyFactory
 Raster classifier strategy factory base class. More...
class  ClassifierStrategyOutParameters
 Classifier Strategy Output Parameters. More...
class  ClassifierStrategyParameters
 Classifier Strategy Parameters. More...
class  CloudDetection
 This class provide cloud detection. More...
class  Codifima
 Defines a Codifima class. More...
class  Composer
 Composed pixel value calculation for two overlaped rasters. More...
class  ComposerRule
class  ComposerRuleValidNeighborhood
 A basic composer rule capable of choosing the valid pixels (all bands with no no-data values). More...
class  ComposerRuleValidPixel
 A basic composer rule capable of choosing the valid pixels (all bands with no no-data values). More...
class  Composition
 Create a composition (a mosaic created using user defined rules) from a set of geo-referenced rasters. More...
class  Contrast
 Contrast enhancement. More...
class  CubeColor
 Defines a cubic volume in the RGB color space. More...
class  FeederConstRaster
 Feeder from a input rasters. More...
class  FeederConstRasterDirectory
 A feeder from an input directory name. More...
class  FeederConstRasterInfo
class  FeederConstRasterInfoAndVector
class  FeederConstRasterVector
 A feeder from a input rasters vector;. More...
class  Filter
 A series of well-known filtering algorithms for images, linear and non-linear.. More...
class  GeoMosaic
 Create a mosaic from a set of geo-referenced rasters. More...
class  GroupColor
 Defines a classification context. More...
class  IHSFusion
 Fusion of a low-resolution multi-band image with a high resolution image using the IHS method. More...
class  MajorityFilter
 This file contains a class that represents the method to remove pixels from classified image. More...
class  Matrix
 A generic template matrix. More...
class  MixtureModel
 Raster decomposition using mixture model. More...
class  MixtureModelLinearStrategy
class  MixtureModelLinearStrategyFactory
 Raster linear mixture model strategy factory. More...
class  MixtureModelPCAStrategy
class  MixtureModelPCAStrategyFactory
 Raster PCA mixture model strategy factory. More...
class  MixtureModelStrategy
 Raster mixture model strategy base class. More...
class  MixtureModelStrategyFactory
 Raster Mixture model strategy factory base class. More...
class  MixtureModelStrategyParameters
 Mixture model strategy parameters base class. More...
class  Module
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Raster Processing module entry. More...
class  PCAFusion
 Fusion of a low-resolution multi-band image with a high resolution image using the PCA (Principal components analysis) method. More...
class  PostClassification
 Raster post classification. More...
class  RasterAttributes
 Extraction of attributes from Raster, Bands, and Polygons. More...
class  RasterHandler
 RasterHandler. More...
class  Register
 Performs raster data registering into a SRS using a set of tie points. More...
class  Restoration
 This class implements the combining interpolation and restoration operation. More...
class  Segmenter
 Raster segmentation. More...
class  SegmenterDummyStrategy
 Dummy strategy (just for testing purposes). More...
class  SegmenterDummyStrategyFactory
 Raster dummy segmenter strategy factory. More...
class  SegmenterIdsManager
 Segmenter segments IDs manager. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzMerger
 Baatz based Segments merger. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy
 Raster region growing segmenter strategy. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategyFactory
 Raster region growing segmenter strategy factory. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingMeanMerger
 Mean based Segments merger. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingMeanStrategy
 Raster region growing segmenter strategy. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingMeanStrategyFactory
 Raster region growing segmenter strategy factory. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingMergeData
 Segmenter data used by the merger in region growing process. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingMerger
 Abstract class for the segments merger. More...
struct  SegmenterRegionGrowingSegment
 Region Growing segment. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingSegmentsPool
 Segments pool. More...
class  SegmenterRegionGrowingStrategyParameters
 Segmenter Region Growing Strategy Parameters. More...
class  SegmenterSegmentsBlock
 Segmenter segments block description class. More...
class  SegmenterStrategy
 Raster segmenter strategy base class. More...
class  SegmenterStrategyFactory
 Raster segmenter strategy factory base class. More...
class  SegmenterStrategyParameters
 Segmenter Strategy Parameters. More...
class  SequenceMosaic
 Create mosaics from a sequence of overlapped rasters using an automatic tie-points detection method. More...
class  Skeleton
 Creation of skeleton images. More...
struct  SpectralSensorParams
class  StrategyParameters
 Raster strategy parameters base class. More...
struct  Texture
 A structure to hold the set of GLCM metrics. More...
class  TiePointsLocator
 Tie points locator. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorInputParameters
 TiePointsLocator input parameters. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorMoravecStrategy
 Tie-points locator Moravec strategy. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorMoravecStrategyFactory
 Moravec tie-points locator strategy factory. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorStrategy
 Tie-points locator strategy. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorStrategyFactory
 Raster tie-points locator strategy factory base class. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorStrategyParameters
 TiePointsLocator strategy parameters. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorSURFStrategy
 Tie-points locator SURF strategy. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorSURFStrategyFactory
 SURF tie-points locator strategy factory. More...
class  TiePointsMosaic
 Create a mosaic from a set of rasters using tie-points. More...
class  WisperFusion
 Fusion of a low-resolution multi-band image with a high resolution image using the WiSpeR method. More...


typedef double DissimilarityTypeT
 Type for dissimilarity. More...
typedef Matrix< SegmenterSegmentsBlock::SegmentIdDataTypeSegmentsIdsMatrixT
 Internal segments ids matrix type definition. More...


enum  WaveletAtrousFilterType { InvalidWAFilter = 0 , B3SplineWAFilter = 1 , TriangleWAFilter = 2 }
 Wavelet Atrous Filter types. More...


TERPEXPORT bool ComposeBands (const std::vector< te::rst::Raster const * > &inputRasters, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, const te::rst::Interpolator::Method &interpMethod, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &outputRasterInfo, const std::string &outputDataSourceType, const unsigned int maxThreads, const bool allowNoDataPixels, const bool enableProgress, std::unique_ptr< te::rst::Raster > &outputRasterPtr)
 Compose a set of bands into one multi-band raster. More...
void TERPEXPORT Convert2DoublesVector (void *inputVector, const int inputVectorDataType, unsigned int inputVectorSize, double *outputVector)
 Convert vector elements. More...
void TERPEXPORT ConvertDoublesVector (double *inputVector, unsigned int inputVectorSize, const int outputVectorDataType, void *outputVector)
 Convert a doubles vector. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertHLS2RGB (const te::rst::Raster &inputHLSRaster, const unsigned int hueBandIdx, const unsigned int lightBandIdx, const unsigned int saturationBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputRGBRaster)
 HLS to RGB conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertHLS2RGB (const te::rst::Raster &inputHRaster, const unsigned int hueBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputLRaster, const unsigned int lightBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputSRaster, const unsigned int saturationBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputRGBRaster)
 HLS to RGB conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertIHS2RGB (const te::rst::Raster &inputIHSRaster, const unsigned int intensityBandIdx, const unsigned int hueBandIdx, const unsigned int saturationBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputRGBRaster)
 IHS to RGB conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertIHS2RGB (const te::rst::Raster &inputIRaster, const unsigned int intensityBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputHRaster, const unsigned int hueBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputSRaster, const unsigned int saturationBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputRGBRaster)
 IHS to RGB conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertRGB2HLS (const te::rst::Raster &inputRedRaster, const unsigned int redBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputGreenRaster, const unsigned int greenBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputBlueRaster, const unsigned int blueBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputHLSRaster)
 RGB to HLS conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertRGB2HLS (const te::rst::Raster &inputRGBRaster, const unsigned int redBandIdx, const unsigned int greenBandIdx, const unsigned int blueBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputHLSRaster)
 RGB to HLS conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertRGB2IHS (const te::rst::Raster &inputRedRaster, const unsigned int redBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputGreenRaster, const unsigned int greenBandIdx, const te::rst::Raster &inputBlueRaster, const unsigned int blueBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputIHSRaster)
 RGB to IHS conversion. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ConvertRGB2IHS (const te::rst::Raster &inputRGBRaster, const unsigned int redBandIdx, const unsigned int greenBandIdx, const unsigned int blueBandIdx, const double rgbRangeMin, const double rgbRangeMax, te::rst::Raster &outputIHSRaster)
 RGB to IHS conversion. More...
bool TERPEXPORT Copy2DiskRaster (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::string &fileName)
 Create a new raster into a GDAL datasource. More...
TERPEXPORT void CreateFixedStepPalette (const unsigned int paletteSize, const bool randomize, std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty::ColorEntry > &palette)
 Create a fixed step sequential color palette. More...
bool TERPEXPORT CreateNewGdalRaster (const te::rst::Grid &rasterGrid, std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty * > bandsProperties, const std::string &fileName, RasterHandler &outRasterHandler)
 Create a new raster into a GDAL datasource. More...
bool TERPEXPORT CreateNewGdalRaster (const te::rst::Grid &rasterGrid, std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty * > bandsProperties, const std::string &fileName, std::unique_ptr< te::rst::Raster > &outRasterPtr)
 Create a new raster into a GDAL datasource. More...
bool TERPEXPORT CreateNewMemRaster (const te::rst::Grid &rasterGrid, std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty * > bandsProperties, RasterHandler &outRasterHandler)
 Create a new raster into a new memory datasource. More...
bool TERPEXPORT CreateNewRaster (const te::rst::Grid &rasterGrid, const std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty * > &bandsProperties, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rasterInfo, const std::string &rasterType, std::unique_ptr< te::rst::Raster > &outRasterPtr)
 Create a new raster into the givem data source. More...
bool TERPEXPORT CreateNewRaster (const te::rst::Grid &rasterGrid, const std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty * > &bandsProperties, const std::string &outDataSetName, const std::string &dataSourceType, RasterHandler &outRasterHandler)
 Create a new raster into the givem data source. More...
bool TERPEXPORT CreateNewRaster (const te::rst::Grid &rasterGrid, const std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty * > &bandsProperties, const std::string &outDataSetName, te::da::DataSource &outDataSource, RasterHandler &outRasterHandler)
 Create a new raster into the givem data source. More...
template<typename MatrixElementT >
bool CreateRasterFileFromMatrix (const te::rp::Matrix< MatrixElementT > &matrix, const bool normalize, const std::string &fileName)
 Create a tiff file from a matrix. More...
TERPEXPORT boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > CreateWaveletAtrousFilter (const WaveletAtrousFilterType &filterType)
 Create a Wavele Atrous Filter. More...
TERPEXPORT bool DecomposeBands (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, const std::vector< std::map< std::string, std::string > > &outputRastersInfos, const std::string &outputDataSourceType, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< te::rst::Raster > > &outputRastersPtrs)
 Decompose a multi-band raster into a set of one-band rasters. More...
TERPEXPORT bool DirectPrincipalComponents (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > &pcaMatrix, te::rst::Raster &pcaRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &pcaRasterBands, const unsigned int maxThreads)
 Generate all principal components from the given input raster. More...
TERPEXPORT bool DirectWaveletAtrous (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, te::rst::Raster &waveletRaster, const unsigned int levelsNumber, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > &filter)
 Generate all wavelet planes from the given input raster. More...
TERPEXPORT bool FillBand (te::rst::Raster &raster, const unsigned int bandIndex, const std::complex< double > &value)
TERPEXPORT void GetAllSpectralBandInfos (std::map< std::string, struct SpectralSensorParams > &specBandInfos)
 Get all spectral band infos. More...
TERPEXPORT std::vector< std::string > GetBandNames ()
 Returns a vector os with band's names. More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetCovarianceValue (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster1, const unsigned int inputBandIndex1, const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster2, const unsigned int inputBandIndex2, const unsigned int maxThreads, double const *const mean1ValuePtr, double const *const mean2ValuePtr, double &covarianceValue)
 Get the covariance of band pixel values. More...
void TERPEXPORT GetDataTypeRange (const int dataType, double &min, double &max)
 Returns the real data type range (all values that can be represented by the given data type). More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetDetailedExtent (const te::rst::Grid &grid, te::gm::LinearRing &detailedExtent)
 Create a datailed extent from the given grid. More...
TERPEXPORT std::pair< double, double > GetDigitalNumberBandInfo (std::string bandName)
 Returns the maximun and minimum digital numbers of a given sensor/band. More...
TERPEXPORT double GetDigitalNumberBandMax (std::string bandName)
 Returns the maximum digital number of a given sensor/band. More...
TERPEXPORT double GetDigitalNumberBandMin (std::string bandName)
 Returns the minimum digital number of a given sensor/band. More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetExternalValidDataPolygon (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBandsIdx, const std::vector< double > &bandNoDataValues, std::unique_ptr< te::gm::Polygon > &outPolygonPtr)
 Compute the external raster valid data area polygon. More...
TERPEXPORT bool getHistograms (const te::rst::Raster &raster, const unsigned int bandIndex, const std::vector< te::gm::Polygon const * > &rois, const unsigned int histoBins, const unsigned int maxThreads, const te::rst::PolygonIterator< double >::IterationType roisItType, std::map< double, unsigned > &rHistogram, std::map< double, unsigned > &iHistogram)
 Compute and return the histogram soccurring values (real and imaginary) inside defined regions of interest. More...
TERPEXPORT void getHistogramStats (const std::map< double, unsigned int > &histogram, double &min, double &max, double &mean, double &stdDev, double &mode, double &entropy, double &sum, double &sum2, double &sum3, double &sum4, double &variance, double &median)
 Compute statiscts from the given histogram. More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetIndexedDetailedExtent (const te::rst::Grid &grid, te::gm::LinearRing &indexedDetailedExtent)
 Create a indexed (lines,columns) datailed extent from the given grid. More...
TERPEXPORT bool getJointHistograms (const te::rst::Raster &raster, const unsigned int bandIndex1, const unsigned int bandIndex2, const std::vector< te::gm::Polygon const * > &rois, const unsigned int histoBins, const unsigned int maxThreads, const te::rst::PolygonIterator< double >::IterationType roisItType, std::map< std::pair< double, double >, unsigned int > &realJointHistogram, std::map< std::pair< double, double >, unsigned int > &imagJointHistogram, std::map< double, unsigned int > const *const rasterRealHistogram1ptr, std::map< double, unsigned int > const *const rasterImagHistogram1Ptr, std::map< double, unsigned int > const *const rasterRealHistogram2Ptr, std::map< double, unsigned int > const *const rasterImagHistogram2Ptr)
 Compute and return the joint histogram of occurring values (real and imaginary) inside defined regions of interest. More...
TERPEXPORT bool getJointHistogramStats (const std::map< std::pair< double, double >, unsigned int > &jointHistogram, const std::map< double, unsigned int > &histogram1, const std::map< double, unsigned int > &histogram2, double &covariance, double &corrlationCoef)
 Compute statiscts from the given histogram. More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetMeanValue (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const unsigned int inputBandIndex, const unsigned int maxThreads, const bool forceNoDataValue, const double noDataValue, double &meanValue)
 Get the mean of band pixel values. More...
TERPEXPORT std::string GetSensorFilename ()
 Returns a json filename with spectral sensors parameters. More...
TERPEXPORT std::map< std::string, SpectralSensorParamsgetSensorParams ()
 Returns a map with spectral sensors parameters defined in SpectralSensor.json file. More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetSpectralBandInfo (const std::string &bandName, SpectralSensorParams &specBandInfo)
 Get the maximun and minimum reflectance values of a given sensor/band. More...
TERPEXPORT double GetSpectralBandMax (std::string bandName)
 Returns the maximum reflectance value of a given sensor/band. More...
TERPEXPORT double GetSpectralBandMin (std::string bandName)
 Returns the minimum reflectance value of a given sensor/band. More...
TERPEXPORT bool GetStdDevValue (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const unsigned int inputBandIndex, const unsigned int maxThreads, const bool forceNoDataValue, const double noDataValue, double const *const meanValuePtr, double &stdDevValue)
 Get the standard deviation of band pixel values. More...
template<typename ContainerT >
double GetTPConvexHullArea (const ContainerT &tiePoints, const bool useTPSecondCoordPair)
 Returns the tie points converx hull area. More...
TERPEXPORT bool InversePrincipalComponents (const te::rst::Raster &pcaRaster, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > &pcaMatrix, te::rst::Raster &outputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &outputRasterBands, const unsigned int maxThreads)
 Regenerate the original raster from its principal components. More...
TERPEXPORT bool InverseWaveletAtrous (const te::rst::Raster &waveletRaster, const unsigned int levelsNumber, te::rst::Raster &outputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &outputRasterBands)
 Regenerate the original raster from its wavelets planes. More...
TERPEXPORT te::rst::RasterNormalizeRaster (const te::rst::Raster *inputRaster)
 Normalizes a raster in a given interval. More...
TERPEXPORT bool NormalizeRaster (te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, double nmin=0.0, double nmax=255.0)
 Normalizes one raster in a given interval. More...
TERPEXPORT bool RasterResample (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, const te::rst::Interpolator::Method interpMethod, const unsigned int interpWindowRadius, const unsigned int firstRow, const unsigned int firstColumn, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int newheight, const unsigned int newwidth, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rinfo, const std::string &dataSourceType, std::unique_ptr< te::rst::Raster > &resampledRasterPtr)
 Resample a subset of the raster, given a box. More...
TERPEXPORT bool RasterSlicing (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const unsigned int inputRasterBand, const bool createPaletteRaster, const unsigned int slicesNumber, const bool eqHistogram, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rasterInfo, const std::string &rasterType, const bool enableProgress, std::vector< te::rst::BandProperty::ColorEntry > const *const palettePtr, std::unique_ptr< te::rst::Raster > &outRasterPtr, std::vector< double > const *slicesLimitsPtr, std::vector< double > const *slicesOutputValuesPtr)
 Create a new raster grouping pixel values following the number of slices and/or slice limits. More...
TERPEXPORT bool RemapValues (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > &remapMatrix, te::rst::Raster &outputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &outputRasterBands, const unsigned int maxThreads)
 Remap pixel values using a remap function matrix. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ReplaceContiguousSegmentValues (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const unsigned int &inputRasterBandIdx, te::rst::Raster &outputRaster, const unsigned int &outputRasterBandIdx, const unsigned targetInputRow, const unsigned targetInputCol, const double &outputValue)
 Replace a contiguos segment pixel values. More...
TERPEXPORT bool ReplaceContiguousSegmentValues (te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const unsigned int &inputRasterBandIdx, const unsigned targetRow, const unsigned targetCol, const double &outputValue)
 Replace a contiguos segment pixel values. More...
TERPEXPORT void SaveSensorParams (std::map< std::string, SpectralSensorParams > &)
 Saves in SpectralSensor.json file the spectral sensors parameters. More...
TERPEXPORT bool SelectiveReplaceValues (const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const unsigned int &inputRasterBandIdx, const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &targetValues, const bool enableProgress, const std::vector< te::gm::Polygon * > &restrictionPols, te::rst::Raster &outputRaster, const unsigned int &outputRasterBandIdx)
 Remap all pixel values using a user supplied target values (non-target values are just copied from input to output). More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for Raster Processing module of TerraLib.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DissimilarityTypeT

Type for dissimilarity.

Definition at line 46 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingMerger.h.

◆ SegmentsIdsMatrixT

Internal segments ids matrix type definition.

Definition at line 41 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingMerger.h.

Function Documentation

◆ getJointHistogramStats()

TERPEXPORT bool te::rp::getJointHistogramStats ( const std::map< std::pair< double, double >, unsigned int > &  jointHistogram,
const std::map< double, unsigned int > &  histogram1,
const std::map< double, unsigned int > &  histogram2,
double &  covariance,
double &  corrlationCoef 

Compute statiscts from the given histogram.

jointHistogramInput joint histogram where std::pair< double, double >.first are histogram1 values and std::pair< double, double >.second are histogram2 values
histogram1Histogram 1.
histogram2Histogram 2.
covarianceCalculated covariance value.
corrlationCoefPearson's Correlation coeficient.
true if ok, false on errors.