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te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy Class Reference

Raster region growing segmenter strategy. More...

#include <SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy:


class  Parameters
 Segmenter Parameters. More...

Public Types

enum  BlocksMergingMethod { NoMerging = 0 , GradientMerging = 1 }
 Blocks merging method. More...

Public Member Functions

bool execute (SegmenterIdsManager &segmenterIdsManager, const te::rp::SegmenterSegmentsBlock &block2ProcessInfo, const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &inputRasterNoDataValues, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &inputRasterBandMinValues, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &inputRasterBandMaxValues, te::rst::Raster &outputRaster, const unsigned int outputRasterBand, const bool enableProgressInterface)
 Executes the segmentation strategy over region delimited by the given block. More...
BlocksMergingMethod getBlocksMergingMethod () const
 Return the strategy blocks merging method. More...
const std::string & getErrorMessage () const
 Return the current error message if there is any. More...
double getMemUsageEstimation (const unsigned int bandsToProcess, const unsigned int pixelsNumber) const
 Returns a memory estimation (bytes). More...
unsigned int getOptimalBlocksOverlapSize () const
 Returns a optimal blocks overlap size (number of border pixels overlapped between blocks, under one direction). More...
bool initialize (SegmenterStrategyParameters const *const strategyParams)
 Initialize the segmentation strategy. More...
void reset ()
 Clear all internal allocated resources and go back to the initial not-initialized state. More...
 SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy ()
bool shouldComputeMinMaxValues () const
 Returns if the min and max pixel values should be computed. More...
 ~SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy ()

Protected Types

typedef Matrix< SegmenterSegmentsBlock::SegmentIdDataTypeSegmentsIdsMatrixT
 Internal segments ids matrix type definition. More...

Protected Member Functions

bool initializeSegments (SegmenterIdsManager &segmenterIdsManager, const te::rp::SegmenterSegmentsBlock &block2ProcessInfo, const te::rst::Raster &inputRaster, const std::vector< unsigned int > &inputRasterBands, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &inputRasterNoDataValues, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &inputRasterBandMinValues, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &inputRasterBandMaxValues, SegmenterRegionGrowingSegment< rg::BaatzFeatureType > **actSegsListHeadPtr)
 Initialize the segment objects container and the segment IDs container. More...
void setErrorMessage (const std::string &newErrorMessage)
 Set the current error message. More...

Protected Attributes

bool m_isInitialized
 true if this instance is initialized. More...
SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::Parameters m_parameters
 Internal execution parameters. More...
SegmentsIdsMatrixT m_segmentsIdsMatrix
 A internal segments IDs matrix that can be reused on each strategy execution. More...
SegmenterRegionGrowingSegmentsPool< rg::BaatzFeatureTypem_segmentsPool
 A pool of segments that can be reused on each strategy execution. More...

Private Attributes

std::string m_errorMessage
 Current error message. More...

Detailed Description

Raster region growing segmenter strategy.

Definition at line 52 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ SegmentsIdsMatrixT

Internal segments ids matrix type definition.

Definition at line 133 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BlocksMergingMethod

Blocks merging method.


No merging.


Gradient Merging.

Definition at line 52 of file SegmenterStrategy.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy()

te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::~SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy ( )

◆ SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy()

te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

bool te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::execute ( SegmenterIdsManager segmenterIdsManager,
const te::rp::SegmenterSegmentsBlock block2ProcessInfo,
const te::rst::Raster inputRaster,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  inputRasterBands,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  inputRasterNoDataValues,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  inputRasterBandMinValues,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  inputRasterBandMaxValues,
te::rst::Raster outputRaster,
const unsigned int  outputRasterBand,
const bool  enableProgressInterface 

Executes the segmentation strategy over region delimited by the given block.

segmenterIdsManagerThe segments IDs manager to be used when acquiring/releaseing unique segment IDs.
block2ProcessInfoThe information about the block of raster that must be processed.
inputRasterInput raster.
inputRasterBandsInput raster bands.
inputRasterNoDataValuesA vector of values to be used as input raster no-data values.
inputRasterBandMinValuesThe minimum value present on each band.
inputRasterBandMinValuesThe maximum value present on each band.
outputRasterOutput raster.
outputRasterBandOutput raster band.
enableProgressInterfaceEnable the internal strategy to update the progress interface.
true if OK, false on errors.
The used gaind/ofset calcule: new_value = ( old_value + offset ) * gain

Implements te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

◆ getBlocksMergingMethod()

BlocksMergingMethod te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::getBlocksMergingMethod ( ) const

Return the strategy blocks merging method.

The blocks merging method.

Implements te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

◆ getErrorMessage()

const std::string & te::rp::SegmenterStrategy::getErrorMessage ( ) const

Return the current error message if there is any.

Return the current error message if there is any.

◆ getMemUsageEstimation()

double te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::getMemUsageEstimation ( const unsigned int  bandsToProcess,
const unsigned int  pixelsNumber 
) const

Returns a memory estimation (bytes).

This parameter is used by the segmenter to guess the sub-image blocks size.

bandsToProcessThe number of input raster bands that will be processed at the strategy execution time.
pixelsNumberThe number of pixels.
A positive memory use estimation.

Implements te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

◆ getOptimalBlocksOverlapSize()

unsigned int te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::getOptimalBlocksOverlapSize ( ) const

Returns a optimal blocks overlap size (number of border pixels overlapped between blocks, under one direction).

This value will be used in the case where the image is splitted into blocks for segmentation.
The blocks overlap size.

Implements te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

◆ initialize()

bool te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::initialize ( SegmenterStrategyParameters const *const  strategyParams)

Initialize the segmentation strategy.

strategyParamsA pointer to the user given specific segmentation strategy parameters ou NULL if no parameters are present.
true if OK, false on errors.

Implements te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

◆ initializeSegments()

bool te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::initializeSegments ( SegmenterIdsManager segmenterIdsManager,
const te::rp::SegmenterSegmentsBlock block2ProcessInfo,
const te::rst::Raster inputRaster,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  inputRasterBands,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  inputRasterNoDataValues,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  inputRasterBandMinValues,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  inputRasterBandMaxValues,
SegmenterRegionGrowingSegment< rg::BaatzFeatureType > **  actSegsListHeadPtr 

Initialize the segment objects container and the segment IDs container.

segmenterIdsManagerA segments ids manager to acquire unique segments ids.
block2ProcessInfoInfo about the block to process.
inputRasterThe input raster.
inputRasterBandsInput raster bands to use.
inputRasterNoDataValuesA vector of values to be used as input raster no-data values.
inputRasterBandMinValuesThe minimum value present on each band.
inputRasterBandMinValuesThe maximum value present on each band.
actSegsListHeadPtrA pointer the the active segments list head or a null points if no segments were initialized (entire image with no data, i.e.).
true if OK, false on errors.

◆ reset()

void te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::reset ( )

Clear all internal allocated resources and go back to the initial not-initialized state.

Reimplemented from te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

◆ setErrorMessage()

void te::rp::SegmenterStrategy::setErrorMessage ( const std::string &  newErrorMessage)

Set the current error message.

newErrorMessageNew error message;

◆ shouldComputeMinMaxValues()

bool te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::shouldComputeMinMaxValues ( ) const

Returns if the min and max pixel values should be computed.

True if min and max values should be computed. False otherwise.

Implements te::rp::SegmenterStrategy.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_errorMessage

std::string te::rp::SegmenterStrategy::m_errorMessage

Current error message.

Definition at line 156 of file SegmenterStrategy.h.

◆ m_isInitialized

bool te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::m_isInitialized

true if this instance is initialized.

Definition at line 138 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h.

◆ m_parameters

SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::Parameters te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::m_parameters

Internal execution parameters.

Definition at line 143 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h.

◆ m_segmentsIdsMatrix

SegmentsIdsMatrixT te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::m_segmentsIdsMatrix

A internal segments IDs matrix that can be reused on each strategy execution.

Definition at line 149 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h.

◆ m_segmentsPool

SegmenterRegionGrowingSegmentsPool< rg::BaatzFeatureType > te::rp::SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy::m_segmentsPool

A pool of segments that can be reused on each strategy execution.

Definition at line 146 of file SegmenterRegionGrowingBaatzStrategy.h.

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