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te::se::PolygonSymbolizer Class Referenceabstract

A PolygonSymbolizer is used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline). More...

#include <PolygonSymbolizer.h>

Inheritance diagram for te::se::PolygonSymbolizer:
te::se::Symbolizer te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor >

Public Types

typedef void ReturnType
typedef Visitor VisitorType

Public Member Functions

virtual ReturnType accept (VisitorType &guest) const=0
 It call the visit method from the guest object. More...
Initializer Methods

Methods related to instantiation and destruction.

 PolygonSymbolizer ()
 It initializes a new PolygonSymbolizer. More...
 PolygonSymbolizer (const PolygonSymbolizer &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~PolygonSymbolizer ()
 Destructor. More...

Accessor methods

Methods used to get or set properties.

 A Geometry gives reference to a (the) geometry property of a feature to be used for rendering. (Optional) More...
 Specifies how the area of the geometry will be filled. (Optional) More...
 A "Stroke" specifies the appearance of a linear geometry. (Optional) More...
 The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry. (Optional) More...
 A "PerpendicularOffset" gives the perpendicular distance away from a line to draw a label. (Optional) More...
static const std::string sm_type
 A static data member used in the implementation of getType method. More...
void setGeometry (te::fe::PropertyName *geometry)
 The Geometry element of a PolygonSymbolizer defines the linear geometry to be used for styling. The Geometry element is optional and if it is absent then the all geometry properties of the feature type that is used in the containing FeatureType are used. Most frequently, though, feature types will have only a single geometry property. See OGC te::fe::PropertyName class for more information on attribute names. If a polygon has "holes", then they are not filled, but the borders around the holes are stroked in the usual way. "Islands" within holes are filled and stroked, and so on. If a point geometry is referenced instead of a polygon, then a small, square, ortho-normal polygon should be constructed for rendering. If a line is referenced, then the line (string) is closed for filling (only) by connecting its end point to its start point, any line crossings are corrected in some way, and only the original line is stroked. If a raster geometry is used, then the raster-coverage area is used as the polygon. A missing Geometry element selects the "default" geometry for a feature type. More...
const te::fe::PropertyNamegetGeometry () const
void setFill (Fill *f)
 A Fill specifies the pattern for filling an area geometry. More...
const FillgetFill () const
 Gets the Fill associates with the PolygonSymbolizer. More...
void setStroke (Stroke *stroke)
 A Stroke specifies the appearance of a linear geometry. More...
const StrokegetStroke () const
 Gets the Stroke associates with the PolygonSymbolizer. More...
void setDisplacement (Displacement *d)
 The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry. More...
const DisplacementgetDisplacement () const
void setPerpendicularOffset (ParameterValue *perpendicularOffset)
 PerpendicularOffset works as defined for LineSymbolizer, allowing to draw polygons smaller or larger than their actual geometry. More...
const ParameterValuegetPerpendicularOffset () const
const std::string & getType () const
 It returns the symbolizer type. More...
Symbolizerclone () const
 It creates a new copy of this object. More...

Accessor methods

Methods used to get or set properties.

std::string m_name
 It allows the symbolizer to be referenced externally, which is needed in some methods of SE usage. (Optional) More...
 It gives the familiar short title for display lists and longer description for the symbolizer. (Optional) More...
 A BaseSymbolizer (an OnlineResource) defines the default properties of a Symbolizer to be those of an external Symbolizer, which will frequently be inside of an OGC Symbolizer repository. The Symbolizer properties given in-line override the base-Symbolizer properties. (Optional) More...
std::string m_version
 The version is an optional attribute on the FeatureType Style element that identifies the SE version number that the FeatureTypeStyle corresponds to. For now, the only allowed value is 1.1.0. (Mandatory) More...
const te::common::BaseUnitOfMeasure * m_uom
 Unit of measurement. If no uom is set inside of Symbolizer, all units are measured in pixel. (Mandatory) More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
const std::string & getName () const
void setDescription (Description *d)
const DescriptiongetDescription () const
void setBaseSymbolizer (te::xl::SimpleLink *baseSymbolizer)
const te::xl::SimpleLinkgetBaseSymbolizer () const
void setVersion (const std::string &version)
const std::string & getVersion () const
void setUom (const te::common::BaseUnitOfMeasure *uom)
 It sets the unit-of-measure. More...
const te::common::BaseUnitOfMeasure * getUom () const

Detailed Description

A PolygonSymbolizer is used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline).

The Fill and Stroke elements are contained in the PolygonSymbolizer in the conceptual order that they are used and plotted using the "painters model", where the Fill will be rendered first, and then the Stroke will be rendered on top of the fill. A missing Stroke element means that the geometry will not be stroked.

See also
Symbolizer, Fill, Stroke, te::fe::PropertyName, Displacement, ParameterValue, ImageOutline

Definition at line 60 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ReturnType

typedef void te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor , void >::ReturnType

Definition at line 58 of file BaseVisitable.h.

◆ VisitorType

typedef Visitor te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor , void >::VisitorType

Definition at line 57 of file BaseVisitable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PolygonSymbolizer() [1/2]

te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::PolygonSymbolizer ( )

It initializes a new PolygonSymbolizer.

◆ PolygonSymbolizer() [2/2]

te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::PolygonSymbolizer ( const PolygonSymbolizer rhs)

Copy constructor.

rhsThe other polygon symbolizer.

◆ ~PolygonSymbolizer()

te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::~PolygonSymbolizer ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

virtual ReturnType te::common::BaseVisitable< Visitor , void >::accept ( VisitorType guest) const
pure virtualinherited

It call the visit method from the guest object.

guestThe guest or visitor.
Any valid value define by the template type R.

◆ clone()

Symbolizer * te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::clone ( ) const

It creates a new copy of this object.

Implements te::se::Symbolizer.

◆ getBaseSymbolizer()

const te::xl::SimpleLink * te::se::Symbolizer::getBaseSymbolizer ( ) const

◆ getDescription()

const Description * te::se::Symbolizer::getDescription ( ) const

◆ getDisplacement()

const Displacement * te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::getDisplacement ( ) const

◆ getFill()

const Fill * te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::getFill ( ) const

Gets the Fill associates with the PolygonSymbolizer.

The Fill element.

◆ getGeometry()

const te::fe::PropertyName * te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::getGeometry ( ) const

◆ getName()

const std::string & te::se::Symbolizer::getName ( ) const

◆ getPerpendicularOffset()

const ParameterValue * te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::getPerpendicularOffset ( ) const

◆ getStroke()

const Stroke * te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::getStroke ( ) const

Gets the Stroke associates with the PolygonSymbolizer.

The Stroke element.

◆ getType()

const std::string & te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::getType ( ) const

It returns the symbolizer type.

The symbolizer type.

Implements te::se::Symbolizer.

◆ getUom()

const te::common::BaseUnitOfMeasure * te::se::Symbolizer::getUom ( ) const

◆ getVersion()

const std::string & te::se::Symbolizer::getVersion ( ) const

◆ setBaseSymbolizer()

void te::se::Symbolizer::setBaseSymbolizer ( te::xl::SimpleLink baseSymbolizer)

◆ setDescription()

void te::se::Symbolizer::setDescription ( Description d)

◆ setDisplacement()

void te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::setDisplacement ( Displacement d)

The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry.

This element may be used to avoid over-plotting of multiple PolygonSymbolizers for one geometry or supplying "shadows" of polygon gemeotries. The displacements are in units of pixels above and to the right of the point. The default displacement is X = 0, Y = 0.


◆ setFill()

void te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::setFill ( Fill f)

A Fill specifies the pattern for filling an area geometry.

The allowed SvgParameters are: "fill" (color) and "fill-opacity".

◆ setGeometry()

void te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::setGeometry ( te::fe::PropertyName geometry)

The Geometry element of a PolygonSymbolizer defines the linear geometry to be used for styling. The Geometry element is optional and if it is absent then the all geometry properties of the feature type that is used in the containing FeatureType are used. Most frequently, though, feature types will have only a single geometry property. See OGC te::fe::PropertyName class for more information on attribute names. If a polygon has "holes", then they are not filled, but the borders around the holes are stroked in the usual way. "Islands" within holes are filled and stroked, and so on. If a point geometry is referenced instead of a polygon, then a small, square, ortho-normal polygon should be constructed for rendering. If a line is referenced, then the line (string) is closed for filling (only) by connecting its end point to its start point, any line crossings are corrected in some way, and only the original line is stroked. If a raster geometry is used, then the raster-coverage area is used as the polygon. A missing Geometry element selects the "default" geometry for a feature type.

Geometry types other than inherently linear types can also be used. If a point geometry is used, it should be interpreted as a line of "epsilon" (arbitrarily small) length with a horizontal orientation centered on the point, and should be rendered with two end caps. If a polygon is used (or other "area" type), then its closed outline is used as the line string (with no end caps). If a raster geometry is used, its coverage-area outline is used for the line, rendered with no end caps.

◆ setName()

void te::se::Symbolizer::setName ( const std::string &  name)

◆ setPerpendicularOffset()

void te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::setPerpendicularOffset ( ParameterValue perpendicularOffset)

PerpendicularOffset works as defined for LineSymbolizer, allowing to draw polygons smaller or larger than their actual geometry.

The distance is in uoms and is positive to the outside of the polygon. Negative numbers mean drawing the polygon smaller. The default offset is 0.

◆ setStroke()

void te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::setStroke ( Stroke stroke)

A Stroke specifies the appearance of a linear geometry.

A missing Stroke element means that the geometry will not be stroked.

◆ setUom()

void te::se::Symbolizer::setUom ( const te::common::BaseUnitOfMeasure *  uom)

It sets the unit-of-measure.

All Symbolizers include an optional gml:uom-attribute as used by GML (this is set inside the abstract SymbolizerType and therefore inherited by all Symbolizers). This applies to all elements included inside a Symbolizer such as stroke-width, size, font-size, Gap, InitialGap, Displacement and PerpendicularOffset. If no uom is set inside of Symbolizer, all units are measured in pixel, the behaviour used by SLD 1.0.0. The following uom definitions are recommended to be used:

◆ setVersion()

void te::se::Symbolizer::setVersion ( const std::string &  version)

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_baseSymbolizer

te::xl::SimpleLink* te::se::Symbolizer::m_baseSymbolizer

A BaseSymbolizer (an OnlineResource) defines the default properties of a Symbolizer to be those of an external Symbolizer, which will frequently be inside of an OGC Symbolizer repository. The Symbolizer properties given in-line override the base-Symbolizer properties. (Optional)

Definition at line 164 of file Symbolizer.h.

◆ m_description

Description* te::se::Symbolizer::m_description

It gives the familiar short title for display lists and longer description for the symbolizer. (Optional)

Definition at line 163 of file Symbolizer.h.

◆ m_displacement

Displacement* te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::m_displacement

The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry. (Optional)

Definition at line 191 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

◆ m_fill

Fill* te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::m_fill

Specifies how the area of the geometry will be filled. (Optional)

Definition at line 189 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

◆ m_geometry

te::fe::PropertyName* te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::m_geometry

A Geometry gives reference to a (the) geometry property of a feature to be used for rendering. (Optional)

Definition at line 188 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

◆ m_name

std::string te::se::Symbolizer::m_name

It allows the symbolizer to be referenced externally, which is needed in some methods of SE usage. (Optional)

Definition at line 162 of file Symbolizer.h.

◆ m_perpendicularOffset

ParameterValue* te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::m_perpendicularOffset

A "PerpendicularOffset" gives the perpendicular distance away from a line to draw a label. (Optional)

Definition at line 192 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

◆ m_stroke

Stroke* te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::m_stroke

A "Stroke" specifies the appearance of a linear geometry. (Optional)

Definition at line 190 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

◆ m_uom

const te::common::BaseUnitOfMeasure* te::se::Symbolizer::m_uom

Unit of measurement. If no uom is set inside of Symbolizer, all units are measured in pixel. (Mandatory)

Definition at line 166 of file Symbolizer.h.

◆ m_version

std::string te::se::Symbolizer::m_version

The version is an optional attribute on the FeatureType Style element that identifies the SE version number that the FeatureTypeStyle corresponds to. For now, the only allowed value is 1.1.0. (Mandatory)

Definition at line 165 of file Symbolizer.h.

◆ sm_type

const std::string te::se::PolygonSymbolizer::sm_type

A static data member used in the implementation of getType method.

Definition at line 194 of file PolygonSymbolizer.h.

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