TerraLib and TerraView Wiki Page

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TerraLib 5.0 and TerraView 5.0 - Download Source Code

Before downloading and install TerraLib and TerraView source code from GIT repository, make sure you have followed the instructions to set your Working Environment. Alternatively you can download the source code from zip file.

Source Code From GIT

The GIT repository is located at https://git.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5 that must be accessed using:

Username: tester

Password: terralibdpi

To get the TerraLib and TerraView source code under your current directory, use the git clone command bellow in a Prompt Dos or Git Bash window.

After cloning, a terralib5 directory is created and the DEPENDENCIES and BUILD-INSTRUCTIONS files can be accessed. Make sure all dependencies are installed before building.

DateReleaseGit CommandDependenciesBuild InstructionsDoxygenDoc
2015/xx/xx terralib-5.0.0git clone https://git.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5DEPENDENCIES General Guide or BUILD-INSTRUCTIONS Doc5.0.0

If you experience problems with the SSL certificate try to use the command:

  sudo env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://tester:terralibdpi@git.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5 

Go to the directory where the TerraLib and TerraView source code is located:

  cd terralib5

Useful git commands can be used to list all branch or tag:

git branch -a   //it lists all branches and the current one prefixed with star "*master"
git tag -l      //it lists all tags

After cloning, it is possible to checkout a specific tag/branch and create a local branch from this tag/branch to work on.

Lets checkout the latest release tagged with number “5.0.0” and create a local branch named “tag_branch_5.0.0”:

git checkout -b <local_branch_tag_name> <one_of_remote_tag_names_listed_by_git_tag_cmd>
git checkout -b tag_branch_5.0.0  5.0.0

Alternatively, it is possible to checkout one of the branches available. Lets checkout the “release-5.0.0” branch from where the tag 5.0.0 originated:

git checkout -b <local_branch_name> <one_of_remote_branches_names_listed_by_git_branch_cmd>
git checkout -b release-5.0.0  release-5.0.0  

It is worth mention that a tag is created only into the master branch after merging a release-x.x.x branch into master, thus most of the time there is a release branch related to a tag.

There is another branch called “develop” and developers usually should switch to this branch. So, after cloning, switch to the “develop” branch doing:

git branch -a     // current branch after clone is  *master
git checkout -b develop  develop    

If you are not familiar with GIT commands, you can use a graphical GIT client like TortoiseGIT (for Windows) or Git-Cola (for Linux, Mac and Windows).

Now it is time to build the working environment. Use the BUILD-INSTRUCTIONS file located at the root of terralib5 source tree. Alternatively, use the General Guide instructions.

Source Code From a .zip file

If you are not familiar with GIT, an alternative way is to download the source code of available releases:

LaunchedReleaseDependenciesBuild InstructionsDoxygenDoc
2015/xx/xx terralib_5.0.0.zip DEPENDENCIESBUILD_INSTRUCTIONSDoc5.0.0