LabISA team participated in an international effort aiming to organize and make available an in situ global dataset for remote sensing of inland and coastal waters. (2023)
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Click here to access the publication
Follow LabISA on social media
LabISA is now on the social media, with a little help from ISA our favorite water droplet, we will be periodically publishing about the work done by the laboratory
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LabISA team (DIOTG/INPE) participated in an international experiment to evaluate atmospheric correction methods applied to Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI for inland and coastal waters (2021).
Atmosphere correction note 2021
Algal blooming events at Promissão-SP reservoir (2021)
Algal blooming events in the Tietê River reservoir system (2019)
New Book
Published book : “Introduction to remote sensing of aquatic systems”
Coupled Moderate Products for Atmospheric Correction
CBERS-4 MUX Product
Recent Presentations
[PDF] Ongoing studies supporting the monitoring of Brazilian inland Waters
[PDF] Massas d'água que circulam pela planície de inundação amazônica
AmeriGEOSS 2019 week