Multi-agent simulator for urban segregation (MASUS): A tool to explore alternatives for promoting inclusive cities
Flávia F. Feitosa (
Quang Bao Le (
Paul L.G. Vlek (
Urban segregation represents a significant barrier to achieving social inclusion in cities. To mitigate this problem, it is necessary to implement policies founded upon a better understanding of segregation dynamics. This paper proposes MASUS, a multi-agent simulator for urban segregation, which provides a virtual laboratory for exploring the impacts of different contextual mechanisms on the emergence of segregation patterns. We illustrate the potential of MASUS through three experiments on segregation in São José dos Campos, a medium-sized city in southeast Brazil. The first experiment compares simulated outputs with empirical data, the second exemplifies the ability of MASUS to test theories, and the third tests an anti-segregation policy. We also discuss limitations of the current version of the model, and we recommend directions for further research.