TerraLib and TerraView Wiki Page
This is an old revision of the document!
Warning: Declaration of syntax_plugin_iframe::handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) in
/var/www/html/terralib5/wiki/lib/plugins/iframe/syntax.php on line
Warning: Declaration of syntax_plugin_iframe::render($mode, &$R, $data) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) in
/var/www/html/terralib5/wiki/lib/plugins/iframe/syntax.php on line
Warning: Declaration of syntax_plugin_externallink::handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) in
/var/www/html/terralib5/wiki/lib/plugins/externallink/syntax.php on line
Warning: Declaration of syntax_plugin_externallink::render($mode, &$renderer, $data) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) in
/var/www/html/terralib5/wiki/lib/plugins/externallink/syntax.php on line
Pre-Release Tests Guide
The minimum set of tests to be executed over an installed version of TerraView are described bellow. The idea is to execute all of then just before releasing a new version of TerraView.
All data are stored at http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data_teste/. Other data are available at http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terralib5-devel/data.zip and are used by executable examples and unittests.
Dir | Datasource description |
AMZ_shapes | Big shapes of Amazonia |
Animation.zip | data used to test the Spatial Temporal |
mdb_TView4.2.2_to_convert | TView4.2.2 datasources to test the converter |
ESRIDATA | data of North America |
PARA_STATE | big shapes of Pará State |
PA_E_TAPAJOS | Postgis datasources of Tapajos |
attr_fill | data used to test attribute fill function |
data_pedro | data used to test attribute fill function |
dados_queimada | some data of Queimada project |
images | images |
KML | some KML files |
Postgis_bkps | Postgis datasources |
rasters\rasters_t | some rasters files (new) |
rasters | some rasters files |
shps | some shapefiles and other vector format like KML, mid/mif files |
shps/ | several zip files to be used in tests |
Each test must have:
Test Case | description |
Access Through | Menu option used to access the functionality |
Input data | one or more datasources or a databases in a datasource |
Interface(s) Name(s) | specific options chosen in a interface |
Expected behavior | what should be the behavior |
Output Data | what should be the output - a new datasource, a new layer, etc |
Output Test Report | write in a test report comments |
Output Error Report | write in a error report all misbehavior |
Known Issues | write the known issues |
Optional rules for output names saved in your working directory 'test_report':
What to name | Rule | Example | description |
Project name | p_<project_name>_<main_func><x> | p_df_conv | Converting Database Distrito Federal (df) |
Database name | db_<data>_<func><x> | db_df_conv | Database generated by converting DF |
Figures | f_<func>_<data><x> | f_conv_df1 | Print screen of some problems |
Raster_dir | rst_<func>_<data><x> | rst_conv_df1 | Raster directory generated by converting |
Output Layer name | t_<func><overdata?><x> | t_aggr_mesoregiao_para | Test of Aggregation function, using attr mesoregiao do Pará |
Plugins | Terralib4 Converter... |
Input | Output Data | Main Interface Options | Results |
Select Database from mdb_TView4.2.2_to_convert dir | Target DataSource(type/name) / Target Raster Folder | Layer Creation | [MSG] | Theme Creation | Results(Layer Explorer) | Known issues to be solved from 5.1.4 | [Save Project] |
DF_MODELO_DADOS.mdb | Microsoft Access + <dir>/db_conv_df1 + none | Select All | Warning with all raster layers | Deselect All | 7 vector,2 tabular | Mapa Pedol?gico | p_conv_df1 |
DF_MODELO_DADOS.mdb | Microsoft Access + <dir>/db_conv_df2 + <dir>/rst_df2 | Select All | none | Select All | 16 rasters, 2 tabulares, 7 shapes | Mapa Pedol?gico | p_conv_df2 |
BD_RioJaneiro_Original_4_2.mdb | Microsoft Access + <dir>/db_conv_rj1 + <dir>/rst_rj1 | Select All | msg(1) | Select All | 1 rasters, 3 vector | 'Bairros' não será convertido - poligonos com centroides no mesmo layer- aviso será dado | p_conv_rj1 |
BH_422.mdb | Postgis | Select All | msg(3)→ OK | Deselect All | 24 layers | | |
BH_422.mdb | Postgis | Select All | none | Deselect All | 30 layers | used connection CP1252 | |
para_422.mdb | MAccess+ <dir>/db_conv_para | Select All | none | Deselect All | 1 Layer 143 pol | Verificar se municipios formados por mais de um polígono são convertidos:munic VISEU,AUGUSTO CORREA,CURUÇÁ, SENADOR JOSÉ PORFÍRIO. Importar shape original para_shp_compare.zip (143 pol)and comparar | p_conv_para_munic |
AmazL_FILO.mdb | MAccess+ <dir>/db_conv_Amz | Select All | none | Deselect All | ? Layer, ?Tabular, ?Raster,? CelularSpace | | p_conv_Amz512 |
Pratica_celulas.mdb e export_pratica_celulas_setores_censit2000.zip | MAccess+ <dir>/db_conv_pratica_cell | Select All | none | Deselect All | 6 Layer,2 Raster, 7 layers(temas) same celular | Poligonos com furos estão com links duplos ao selecioná-los pelo mapa - ver object id 29,30,44 - exportar o layer 'Setores_Censitarios_2000' do TV4.2.2 e adicioná-lo no TV5.2.x - ocorre o mesmo problema | |
| | | | | | | |
Layer invalid: table without attributes!
Msg(3) >resolvido
Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xc3 0x4f
Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xaa
Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xf3 0x73 0x69 0x74
Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xe3 0x6f 0x20
Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xed
Could not execute the prepared query due to the following error: ERRO: sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xed 0x6c 0x69
Known issues | What do to? | |
Char encoding like 'Mapa Pedol?gico' | From 5.1.4 Layer will be converted with other name“Pedologico”, otherwise change layer-name before convert. | |
Vector Conflit name | Remove the target datasource before trying again the conversion | |
Raster Conflit name | Remove the raster directory before trying again the conversion | |
Char encoding like“sequência de bytes é inválida para codificação “UTF8”: 0xe3 0x6f 0x20” 5.1.x | create/update database connection with Client Encoding as CP1252 or LATIN1 to be able to convert the database to Postgis | |
Char encoding nos TView 5.2.0 foi resolvido para valores | layer-name será retirado a acentuação | |
Dados do TView4.2.2 com mais de uma representação (polig/pontos/lines) somente uma delas será convertida na ordem pol/lin/points | outra solução é exportar o dado via TView4.2.2 e adicionar os shapes correspondentes a poligonos/pontos/linhas |
Project | Add Layer
Tabular File...
Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Input Layer / see Preview | Properties/Geometry/SRID | [MSG] | Layer Explorer | Known issues | [Save Project] |
Concentracao_CR2010.csv | do not change [OK] | none | 1 Tabular Layer | | p_add_layer |
Concentracao_CR2010.csv | Change Property type String to Int [OK] | none | 1 Tabular Layer | | |
fire_spot_sp.csv.csv | Change LAT and LONG to Double,click Geometry, choose LONG LAT [OK] | | 1 Vector Layer POINT | Changing “Encoding” to “Latin1” does not work. Before adding this cvs file, open it at Notepad++ and Format, use Convert to UTF-8 (without BOM) | |
Vector File...
Select from dir 'shps' or 'kml' | Results |
Input Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Known Issues |
br_uf_2010.SHP | br_uf_2010 | p_add_layer | |
15MUE250GC_SIR.shp | 15MUE250GC_SIR | p_add_layer | |
PA_15-PA.kmz | One layer for each municipio of 'Pará' state and one called 'Municipios' | p_add_layer | 1) if the kmz file is added in a 'Folder layer', all files will be under the folder (from 5.3.0 on); 2) a layer called 'Municípios' is not visible because has zero geometry; 3) use Drag and Drop kmz files ou use ADD Layer, Vector Files (*.*) |
SP35_SP_capital.kml | Layers: 'Municípios' and SÃO PAULO | p_add_layer | same comment above |
Raster File...
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Input Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | p_add_layer |
MCD12Q1.A2001001.h13v10.051.2014287162609.hdf (unzip) | several layers (subdatasets with diferent names) | p_add_layer |
Project | Add Layer | From Data Source... (Local Directory of Vector or Raster files)
Data Source Selector | Dataset Selection | Results |
Type | Available Data Sources | Select | Check box all/some | Select | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Known Issues |
Vector Files | C:/data_TL/SHPs or RSTs | Select | BR_UF_2010 | Select | BR_UF_2010 | p_add_layer | |
Vector Files | (+) Define OGR Connector C:/data_TL/SHPs + Open | Select | br_uf_2010 | Select | br_uf_2010 | p_add_layer | |
Raster Files | (+) Define GDAL Connector C:/data_TL/RSTs + Open | Select | raster file | Select | raster file | p_add_layer | Only raster format allowed at this directory ?? if some shapes or other things CAI |
Project | Add Layer | From Data Source... (From Microsoft Access or PostGIS)
Data Source Selector | Dataset Selection | Results |
Type | Available Data Sources | Select | Check box all/some | Select | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Known Issues |
PostGIS | (+) Define PostGIS Connector1) + Open | Select | br_uf_2010 | Select | br_uf_2010 | p_add_layer | You must have a PostGIS datasource (local / Server) |
M Access | (+) Define Access Connector2) + Open | Select | br_uf_2010 | Select | br_uf_2010 | p_add_layer | You must have a Access Datasource |
Project | Add Layer | From Data Source... (WCS/WFS/WMS)
Data Source Selector | Dataset Selection | Results |
Type | Available Data Sources | Select | Check box all/some | Select | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Known Issues |
WCS | (+) Define WCS Connector3) + Test/Open | Select | click one/some of then | Select | layers selected | p_add_layer | Time out might occur |
WFS | (+) Define WFS Connector4)+ Test/Open | Select | click one/some of then | Select | layers selected | p_add_layer | Time out might occur |
WMS | (+) Define WMS Connector5)+ Test/Open | Select | click one/some of then | Select | layers selected | p_add_layer | Time out might occur |
Project | Add Layer | Query Dataset...
Processing | Raster Processing
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Layer Search | Mosaic Type and Specific Params | Output name | Layer Explorer | Known issues | [Save Project] |
Path150_RGB765.tif & Path151_RGB765.tif &… | Geo Mosaic & Euclidian Distance | m_150_151.tif | m_150_151.tif with SRID=32724 | | |
Arithmetic Operations...
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Band | Operation | Layer (…) | Band | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | 1 + | / | CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | 2 + | t_arithmetic.tif | Keep Normalize option checked, the original green circles will result in white circles |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Type | Option | Operation | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Region of interest | Unique Image | Select region in canvas, creating 1 ROI | t_clipping.tif | - |
Compose/Decompose Bands...
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Operation | Options | Band | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Compose Bands | 3x button (+) | 1, 2, 0 | t_compose.tif | The resultant image will have a reddish aspect. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Decompose Bands | Check all bands | - | t_decompose.tif | The result will be 3 files, namely t_decompose_0.tif, t_decompose_1.tif and t_decompose_2.tif. |
Mixture Model...
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Type | Options | Bands | Components | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Linear | None selected. | 0 → CBERS4_PAN_RED, 1 → CBERS4_PAN_NIR, 2 → CBERS4_PAN_GREEN | vegetation → green color (point selection in tools and select a point in the image), shadow → yellow color, bare_soil → red color (or import t_mixturemode.json) | t_mixturemodel_linear.tif | Observe each output band individually, the brightest pixels in the bare_soil band will be related to pixels similar to bare soil, and so on for the other 2 classes. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | PCA | None selected. | 0 → CBERS4_PAN_RED, 1 → CBERS4_PAN_NIR, 2 → CBERS4_PAN_GREEN | vegetation → green color (point selection in tools and select a point in the image), shadow → yellow color, bare_soil → red color (or import t_mixturemode.json) | t_mixturemodel_pca.tif | The same as previous (Linear type). |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Type | Operation → Bands | Decompose Bands | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | RGB - IHS | Red (0), Green (1), Blue (2) | uncheck | t_colortransform_rgbihs.tif | Even with or without applying contrast, no result is shown (although reverse transform is now ok) |
t_colortransform_rgbihs.tif | IHS - RGB | Intensity (0), Hue (1), Saturation (2) | uncheck | t_colortransform_ihsrgb.tif | - |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Feature | Precision | Res X | Res Y | Output name | Known issues |
t_vectorization.shp (obtained from vectorization, which was obtained by segmentation) | FID | 6 | 50 | 50 | t_rasterization.tif | Output image with 225 columns and 151 lines. Some polygons were not rasterized in this resolution (and also with Res X = Res Y = 25). |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Type | Minimum size | Threshold | Other options | Bands | Advanced Options | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_114_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Region Growing (mean) | 100 | 0,030 | none | 0, 1, 2 | Check block processing, and allow threads | t_segmentation_mean.tif | - |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_114_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Region Growing (Baatz) | 100 | 0,030 | color 0,90 and compacity 0,50 | 0, 1, 2 (0,333 for all weights) | Check block processing, and allow threads | t_segmentation_baatz.tif | - |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Parameters | Maximum geometries | Output name | Known issues |
t_segmentation_mean.tif (obtained from segmentation test) | Band 0 (parameter Layer is useless here) | unchecked | t_vectorization.shp | Output shapefile with 271 geometries |
Raster Slicing...
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Slices | Results |
Layer (…) | Band | Minimum | Maximum | Step | Precision | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | 0 | 50 | 150 | 25 | 1 | t_rasterslicing.tif | The 'slices Number' option does not reflect in the results, only in the Histogram (other tab). Option 'Equalize histogram' did not result in modifications on the output. |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results- Check report r_histogram.txt |
Layer to select | Type | Histogram Area | Min/Max | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Linear | Use All Image | Band 0 → 34, 174 (select values in histogram) | t_contrast_linear.tif | The resultant image get a reddish aspect (contrast was applied mainly in R band) |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Histogram Equalization | Use All Image | - | t_contrast_histogram_equalization.tif | The resultant image get a saturated aspect (contrast was applied automatically on the 3 bands) |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Square contrast | Use All Image | Band 1 → 65, 206 (select values in histogram) | t_contrast_square.tif | The resultant image get a greenish aspect (contrast was applied mainly in G band) |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Square root contrast | Use All Image | Use detected values | t_contrast_square_root.tif | The resultant image gets a foggy aspect. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Log | Use All Image | Use detected values | t_contrast_log.tif | The resultant image gets a very foggy aspect, with good contrast in dark areas. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Mean and Std | Use All Image | Band 0, 1, 2 → Mean (127), Std (50) | t_contrast_mean_std.tif | Result presents a saturated aspect. |
LO82190762017351CUB00_B5_crop.tif | Linear | Use All Image | band 0 | t_contrast_linear16bits.tif | Problem: Vertical scale differ from Layer RightMouse→Histogram |
LO82190762017351CUB00_B5.tif | Linear | Use All Image | band 0 | t_contrast_linear16bits_noDummyDefined.tif | Problem: No histogram. If dummy is defined to 0 - the graphic appear |
CBERS_4_MUX_20150524_153_125_L4_BAND5.zip and band 6,7,8 | Linear | Use All Image | band 5 | t_contrast_mux.tif | Unsigned char →OK |
CBERS_4_AWFI_20180102_173_123_L4_BAND13.zip and band 14,15,16 | Linear | Use All Image | band 13 | t_contrast_cbersawfi.tif | Problem: No histogram. To see graphic, use CTRL + SCROLL mouse to repositioning and SCROLL mouse to zoom |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Type | Bands | Parameters | Output name | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | ISOSeg | 0, 1, 2 | t_vectorization.shp (obtained from vectorization, which was obtained by segmentation), Threshold = 75%, Distance = Mahalanobis | t_classification_isoseg.tif | |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | K-Means | 0, 1, 2 | Number of clusters = 5, other parameters default | t_classification_kmeans.tif | |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | MAP | 0, 1, 2 | None | t_classification_map.tif | Import SHP with samples, t_rois.shp |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | EM | 0, 1, 2 | Number of clusters = 5, other parameters default | t_classification_em.tif | |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | SAM | 0, 1, 2 | None | t_classification_sam.tif | Import SHP with samples, t_rois.shp |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | ED | 0, 1, 2 | None | t_classification_ed.tif | Import SHP with samples, t_rois.shp, the validity of the result should be checked |
Select from dir 'rasters_t' | Results |
Layer (…) | Type | Iterations | Output Bands | Known issues |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Sobel | 2 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Roberts | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Mean | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). Blur effect in the preview. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Mode | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). Crispy edges in the preview. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Median | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). Blur effect, more controled then Mean filter. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Dilation | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). Big and white edges. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | Erosion | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). Dark circles grow, and clear circles shrink. |
CBERS_4_PAN10M_20161028_152_144_CROP2_L4_BANDS_342.tif | User defined | 5 (only to highlight the results) | 0, 1, 2 | Check Preview and draw ROI (don't need to save the results in this test case). Use default values to get a equivalent result to Mean filter. Actual results are a white window. |
Processing| Attribute Fill| Vector to Vector...
Check the presence and count how many points occur inside each cell. Check the output layer and the 2 new columns generated.
#Test | Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results - Check report r_attrfill_vp1_2017.txt |
Verify? | Input Layers | Output name | Operations | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] |
Test1 | localidades_pt.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_localid_cells12x12_Presence_TotnofValue | attr “localidade:Presence” & “localidade:Total number of values” | t_af_vv_localid_cells12x12_Presence_TotnofValue | p_attfill_vp1_2017test.tview |
Test2 | localidades_pt.shp & Setores_Censitarios_2000_pol.shp | t_af_vv_localid_SetCensit_Presence_TotnofValue | attr “localidade:Presence” & “localidade:Total number of values” | t_af_vv_localid_SetCensit_Presence_TotnofValue | p_attfill_vp1_2017test.tview |
Processing| Attribute Fill | Vector to Vector...
#Test | Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results - Check report r_attrfill_vp2_2017.txt |
Verify? | Input Layers | Output name | Operations | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] |
Test1 | cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op6prim | attr “class” & the first 6 operations | t_af_vv_op6prim | p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview |
Test2 | cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op12 | attr “class”:“Percentage of Tot Area” | t_af_vv_op12potarea | p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview |
Test3 | cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op7 | attr “class”:“Total Not Null Values” | t_af_vv_op7p | p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview |
Test4 | cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp & cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | t_af_vv_op8 | attr “class”:“Percentage of each Class by Area” | t_af_vv_op8 | p_attfill_vp2_2017test.tview |
Processing| Attribute Fill | Raster to Vector...
#Test | Select from dir 'shps' & 'rasters_t' | Main Interface Options | Results - Check report r_attrfill_rv1_2017.txt |
Verify? | Input Layers | Only Selected | Bands/Statistics | Output name (…) | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Status |
Test1 | MDE_ESP_v2.tif & PalmsSP.shp | | 0 / Value | t_af_rv_value | t_af_rv_value | p_attrfill_rp1_2017.tview | OK |
Test2 | ESP.img & br_munic_2001.shp | | 0,1 / Min,Max,Mean | t_af_rv_3op | t_af_rv_3op | p_attrfill_rp1_2017.tview | Error |
Test3 | ESP.img & br_munic_2001.shp | Previous Selection of SP at br_munic2001 ON MAP Display | 0,1 / Min,Max,Mean | t_af_rv_3op | t_af_rv_3op | p_attrfill_rp1_2017.tview | Error |
Test4 | ESP.img & onlySP.shp | | 0 / Min,Mean | t_af_rv_op2 | t_af_rv_op2 | p_attrfill_rp1_2017.tview | ok |
Processing| Attribute Fill| Vector to Raster...
#Test | Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results - Check report r_attrfill_vr1_2017.txt |
Verify? | Input Layer | Attribute | Raster Resolution X/Y | Output name | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] |
Test1 | cells12x12_setor_censit.shp | numeric attr | X=10; Y=10 | t_af_vr_xxxx | t_af_vr_xxxx | p_attfil_vr1_2017test.tview |
Processing| Vector Processing | Geometric Operations... (Convex Hull, Centroid, MBR, Area, Perimeter)|
#Test | Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Verify? | Input Layer | Output Attributes | Operations | Output Repository/Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] |
Test1 | cells6000x6000_setor_censit.shp | Move all attr from left to right | Area , Perimeter | t_vp_geoOp_area_perim | t_vp_geoOp_area_perim6) | p_r_vp_geoOp2017.tview |
Test2 | setores_centitarios_2000_pol.shp | Move all attr from left to right | area, perim,Convex Hull, Centroid, Minimum Bounding Box | Output Repository/t_vp_geoOp | t_vp_geoOp_conver_hull, t_vp_geoOp_centroid, t_vp_geoOp__mbr 7) | p_r_vp_geoOp2017.tview |
Processing| Vector Processing |
Polygon to Line...
Select from dir 'shps' & 'rasters_t' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Input Layer | Only Selected | Output Repository/Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Know Issues | Status |
br_uf_2010.shp (AMAZONIA selected on Map Display) | Check | t_poly2line_only_amaz | t_poly2line_only_amaz | p_poly2line.tview | only Amz lines | OK |
br_uf_2010.shp | | t_poly2line_br_uf2010 | t_poly2line_br_uf2010 | p_poly2line.tview | Click over a line to select something | ok |
Line to Polygon...
Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Input Layer | Only Selected | Output Repository/Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Know Issues | Status |
only_amz.shp or t_poly2line_only_amaz.shp | | t_line2poly_amaz | t_line2poly_amaz | p_poly2line.tview | OK |
Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Input Layer/Intersection | Output Attributes | Output Repository/Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Know Issues |
br_uf_2010.shp & only_amaz.shp | Move all/some attr from left to right | t_identity1 | t_identity1 | p_identity.tview | All Brasil |
only_amaz.shp & br_uf_2010.shp | Move all/some attr from left to right | t_identity2 | t_identity2 | p_identity.tview | Only Amz |
Select from dir 'shps' | Main Interface Options | Results |
Input Layer | Only Selected | Overlay Layer | Only Selected | Attribute Selection | Output Repository/Layer | Layer Explorer | [Save Project] | Know Issues |
br_munic_2001.shp | | onlySP.shp | | Move all/some attr from left to right | t_inters1 | t_inters1 | p_inters.tview | Only SP |
br_munic_2001.shp | | onlySP.shp | | Move all/some attr from left to right | t_inters1 | t_inters1 | p_inters.tview | Only SP |
Link... (over layers from PGIS public.pa_15dse250gc_s and public.basic_pa_conv_sendom)- Postgis user:amazon Host:goes.dpi.inpe.br Port:5432 Passw:****
Dataset 1 & Linked Column (select) | DataSet 2 & Linked Column (choose tabular file) | Output Linked layer | [Save Project] | Know Issues | Status |
public.pa_15dse250gc_s & pa_15dse250gc_s.cd_geocodd | basic_pa_conv_sendom & cod_distrit | lk_pa_basic | p_link | The second layer must be tabular | OK |
public.basic_pa_conv_sendom & cod_municipio | public.concentracao_cr2010 & geocodm | lk_tabular2 | p_link | The first and second layers are tabular | OK |
public.mapa_distritos_sp & mapal_deno | public.HOSPITAIS_SP & distrito | lk_tabular4 | p_link | 1:N - link works if DATASOURCE PGIS is used | OK |
Link... (over layers stored in a Directory shp/link_table.zip )
mapa_distritos_sp & mapal_deno | HOSPITAIS & distrito | lk_tabular3 | p_link | Both files should be at the same DIR, and a datasource should be defined before adding both files to TView. 8). If 1:N link, it will be transformed in 1:1 | OK |
Link... (over layer stored in a ACCESS datasource )
mapa_distritos_sp & mapal_deno | HOSPITAIS_SP & distrito | lk_tabular4 | p_link | it is not working: 9) | error MSG |