TerraLib and TerraView Wiki Page

TerraView 5.0 - Main concepts

The new concepts adopted in TerraLib/TerraView 5.0 are summarized here in a way users of TerraView 4.2.2 will quickly understand the main changes.

From: TerraView 4.2.2 To: terraView 5.0 Rationale
DataSource Data Source is a location where to find data (Postgis Database, Microsoft Access Database, Directory of vector files, Directory of raster files and URL)
ConnectorIt is used to registry an existing datasource (or to create an empty one) into a file called datasource.xml
Project File (*.tview) For each Layer, the Project file keep a reference to a dataset, SRID and style of visualization (point/line/polygon) of visualization
Layer Explorer It lists all Layers referenced in a Project
ProjectionSRID It is a code given by EPSG to each known projection
Infolayer-VectorVector Dataset It is a dataset stored into the datasource defined by the user
Infolayer-RasterRaster Dataset It is a raster file stored in a Directory defined by the user (outside the database)
Tabular LayerTabularIt is a dataset stored into the datasource defined by the user
External TablesTabularIt is a dataset stored as a tabular layer into the datasource defined by the user
ViewMap DisplayA View can be compared to the Map Display (the view projection is the Map Display SRID adopted to visualize all layers)
ThemeLayerLayer showed in a Map Display (reprojected to the Map Display SRID)
Theme VisualLayer StyleThe Visual concept is the Layer Style stored inside the Project file

The figure bellow shows the main concepts adopted and the relationship between them.