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te::qt::widgets Namespace Reference

Namespace for the Qt Widgets module of TerraLib. More...




class  AbstractDataSourceConnector
 A base class for widgets that allows application to create, edit or remove data sources. More...
class  AbstractDataSourceTreeItem
class  AbstractFillWidget
 Abstract class that represents a widget that can be used to build a fill element. More...
class  AbstractFillWidgetFactory
 The abstract factory of widgets used to configure Symbology Enconding Fill element. More...
class  AbstractGraphicWidget
 Abstract class that represents a widget that can be used to build a graphic element. More...
class  AbstractGraphicWidgetFactory
 The abstract factory of widgets used to configure Symbology Enconding Graphic element. More...
class  AbstractLayerSelector
 An abstract class for layer selection widgets. More...
class  AbstractPropertyItem
 A widget used to define the main property items that can be used to describe a se object. More...
class  AbstractPropertyManager
 A singleton for holding the property browser items factories. More...
class  AbstractTool
 This class defines an interface for objects that can receive application events and respond to them, according to specific tool behavior. Tools, in general, receives map display interaction events, like MouseClick, MouseMove, etc. Tools are created to do some GIS operation using the user interactions. More...
class  AbstractTreeItem
 The class that represents an item in a LayerTreeModel. More...
class  AbstractTreeItemFactory
 A class for building layer items. More...
class  AddColumnDialog
class  AddIndex
class  AddProperty
class  AssistantHelpManagerImpl
 A help manager that uses the QAssistant to manage help files. More...
class  BasicFillDialog
 A dialog used to build a basic fill element. If you want to use this dialog, you can use commands like: te::se::Fill* f = te::qt::widgets::BasicFillDialog::getFill(0, parent, "Title"); te::se::Fill* f = te::qt::widgets::BasicFillDialog::getFill(initialFill, parent, "Title"); ... delete f; More...
class  BasicFillPropertyItem
 A widget used to define the basic fill se object. More...
class  BasicFillWidget
 A widget used to build a basic fill element. More...
class  BasicFillWidgetFactory
 A concrete factory that builds a fill widget used to configure a basic fill element. More...
class  BasicStrokeDialog
 A dialog used to build a basic stroke element. If you want to use this dialog, you can use commands like: te::se::Stroke* s = te::qt::widgets::BasicStrokeDialog::getStroke(0, parent, "Title"); te::se::Stroke* s = te::qt::widgets::BasicStrokeDialog::getStroke(initialStroke, parent, "Title"); ... delete s; More...
class  BasicStrokePropertyItem
class  BasicStrokeWidget
 A widget used to build a basic stroke element. More...
class  Canvas
 A canvas built on top of Qt. More...
class  CentralizedCheckBoxDelegate
class  ChannelSelectionWidget
 A dialog used to build a ChannelSelection element. More...
class  CharMapWidget
 A widget used to show the set of characters of a specified font. More...
class  ChartConfigurer
 A Symbology Enconding visitor that configures a given chart based on symbolizers elements. If you want to use this visitor, use a command like: te::qt::widgets::ChartConfigurer cc(chart); cc.config(symbolizer); More...
class  ChartDisplay
 A class to represent a chart display. More...
class  ChartDisplayWidget
 A wdiget used to display a chart. More...
class  ChartItem
class  ChartLayerDialog
 A dialog used to build a chart. More...
class  ChartLayerWidget
 A widget used to build a grouping. More...
class  ChartProperties
 A dialog used to customize a graphic's parameters. More...
class  ChartRenderer
 A concrete chart renderer based on Qt4. More...
class  ChartSliceItem
class  ChartStyle
class  ChartStyleFrame
class  ChartStyleFrameFactory
class  ChartStyleWidget
class  ChartWidget
 A base widget for settings. More...
class  ChartWidgetFactory
 A factory to build widget objects. More...
class  CheckConstraintItem
class  ClassifierDialog
 A dialog used to execute image classification. More...
class  ClassifierWizard
 This class is GUI used to define the classifier wizard for the RP constast operation. More...
class  ClassifierWizardPage
 This class is GUI used to define the classifier parameters for the RP constast operation. More...
class  ColorKeyInfo
 Associate a rect to a color. More...
class  ColorMapItem
class  ColorMapSliceItem
class  ColorMapWidget
 A dialog used to build a ColorMap element. More...
class  ColorPickerPopup
 Create a frame with a default color palette. More...
class  ColorPickerToolButton
 Custom tool button used to pick a color. More...
struct  CompareHistogramInterval
class  ConstraintsIndexesListWidget
 This class is used to list the constraints and indexes of a datasetype. More...
class  ConstraintsIndexesPropertyDialog
 A dialog for creating a constraint or a index property. More...
class  ConstraintsItem
class  ConstraintWidget
 This virtual class is used to define a Constraint DataSet class object. More...
class  ContrastDialog
 A dialog used to execute image contrast enhencement. More...
class  ContrastEnhancementWidget
 A dialog used to build a ContrastEnhancementWidget element. More...
class  ContrastWizard
 This class is GUI used to define the contrast wizard for the RP constast operation. More...
class  ContrastWizardPage
 This class is GUI used to define the contrast parameters for the RP constast operation. More...
class  CoordTracking
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic coordinate tracking on mouse move operation. More...
class  CreateDataSet
class  CreateProgressWidgetItemEvent
 The CreateProgressWidgetItemEvent is a custom event used to create a progress widget item. More...
class  DataExchangerWizard
 Qt dialog for .... More...
struct  DataExchangeStatus
class  DataExchangeSummaryWizardPage
class  DataFrame
 A DataFrame .... More...
class  DatapPropertiesWidget
 A class to represent a chart display. More...
class  DataPropertiesDialog
 A dialog used to configure the properties of a new textual file based layer. More...
struct  DataSet2Layer
class  DataSetAdapterLayerItem
class  DataSetAdapterWidget
 A dialog for creating a data set adapter. More...
class  DataSetCategoryGroupItem
class  DataSetCategoryItem
class  DataSetCategoryModel
class  DataSetDisplay
 A map display for a dataset. More...
class  DataSetExplorer
 A widget designed to explore the datasets of a data source. More...
class  DataSetGroupItem
class  DataSetItem
class  DataSetLayerItem
class  DataSetLayerSelector
 A simple widget that allows the selection of datasets from a given data source. More...
class  DataSetOptionsWizardPage
class  DataSetSelectorDialog
 .... More...
class  DataSetSelectorWidget
 A wizard for selecting datasets from a data source. More...
class  DataSetSelectorWizardPage
class  DataSetTableModel
 A table model representing a te::da::DataSet. More...
class  DataSetTableVerticalHeader
 A vertical header used for selecting rows at a table view. More...
class  DataSetTableView
 A customized table view for te::map::AbstractLayer objects. Uses a te::qt::widgets::DataSetModel as its model. More...
class  DataSetTreeModel
class  DataSetTreeView
 A tree view for datasets of a data source. More...
class  DataSetWidget
 This class is used to define the FROM object of select operation. More...
class  DataSetWizardPage
 This class is a wizard page with the DataSetWidget component. More...
class  DataSourceConnectorManager
 A widget that groups datasource identificatin and connection information. More...
class  DataSourceExplorer
 A widget designed to explore the data sources of an application. More...
class  DataSourceExplorerDialog
 A dialog for selecting a data source. More...
class  DataSourceItem
class  DataSourceSelectorDialog
 A dialog for selecting a data source. More...
class  DataSourceSelectorWidget
 A dialog for selecting a data source. More...
class  DataSourceSelectorWizardPage
class  DataSourceToolBox
class  DataSourceTreeModel
class  DataSourceTreeView
 A tool box to help explorer data sources. More...
class  DataSourceType
 A base class for the suppported types of data source. More...
class  DataSourceTypeManager
 A singleton to keep all the registered data source types. More...
class  DateTimePropertyWidget
 A widget used to define a string property. More...
class  DateTimePropertyWidgetFactory
 A factory to build the string property widget object. More...
class  DirectExchangerDialog
class  DoubleListWidget
 ... More...
class  DraftLayoutEditor
 A DraftLayoutEditor .... More...
class  DrawLayerThread
 This class represents a thread responsible to draw a given layer. Basically, this class receives draw layer requests and generates a QImage as result. More...
class  EditorInfo
struct  ExpressionProperty
class  ExternalGraphicRenderer
 A concrete renderer based on Qt4 for conversion of Symbology Enconding External Graphic elements to an image pattern. More...
class  EyeBirdMapDisplayWidget
 This class defines the map display EyeBird, this component is only a specific map that shows the original extent and a box representing the current extent. More...
class  FieldsWizardPage
 This class is a wizard page with the DoubleListWidget component, used to create the FIELD object of a select operation. More...
class  FileChooser
 Defines a component for choose a file. More...
class  FolderLayerItem
class  ForeignKeyItem
class  Frame
class  GeographicGridFrame
class  GeometryPropertyWidget
 A widget used to define a string property. More...
class  GeometryPropertyWidgetFactory
 A factory to build the string property widget object. More...
class  Globals
 An static class with global definitions. More...
class  GlyphGraphicWidget
 A widget used to build a graphic associate with a glyph mark element. More...
class  GlyphGraphicWidgetFactory
 A concrete factory that builds a graphic widget used to configure a graphic associate with a glyph mark element. More...
class  GlyphMarkDialog
 A dialog used to build a glyph mark element. If you want to use this dialog, you can use commands like: te::se::Mark* m = te::qt::widgets::GlyphMarkWidget::getMark(0, parent, "Title"); te::se::Mark* m = te::qt::widgets::GlyphMarkWidget::getMark(initialMark, parent, "Title"); ... delete m; More...
class  GlyphMarkPropertyItem
 A widget used to define a glyph object. More...
class  GlyphMarkRenderer
 A concrete renderer based on Qt4 for conversion of Symbology Enconding Mark elements to an image pattern. It is a extension that considers marks with well-known name in the format: "ttf://font#code". Here, "font" is the name of a TrueType font and "code" is the character code. The character code can be enconded in hexadecimal, octonal or decimal. e.g.: "ttf://Arial#0x12", "ttf://Times#042", "ttf://Verdana#10". More...
class  GlyphMarkWidget
 A widget used to build a mark element represented by a glyph. More...
class  GraphicDialog
 A dialog used to build a graphic element. If you want to use this dialog, you can use commands like: te::se::Graphic* g = te::qt::widgets::GraphicDialog::getGraphic(0, parent, "Title"); ... delete g; More...
class  GraphicFillWidget
 A widget used to build a fill element associated with a graphic. More...
class  GraphicFillWidgetFactory
 A concrete factory that builds a fill widget used to configure a fill element associated with a graphic. More...
class  GraphicProperty
 A widget used to define the general properties of a se object. More...
class  GraphicPropertyItem
 A widget used to define the general properties of a se object. More...
class  GraphicScaleFrame
class  GraphicSelectorWidget
 A widget used to select a graphic element. More...
class  GridFrame
 A GridFrame .... More...
class  GroupByWizardPage
 This class is a wizard page with the DoubleListWidget component, used to create the GROUPBY object of a select operation. More...
class  GroupingDialog
 A dialog used to build a grouping. More...
class  GroupingItem
class  GroupingSliceItem
class  GroupingWidget
 A widget used to build a grouping. More...
class  HelpManager
 Facade for a te::qt::widgets::HelpManagerImpl object. More...
class  HelpManagerImpl
 An interface for help managers implementations. More...
class  HelpPushButton
 Push button that uses te::qt::widgets::HelpManager on its mouse pressed implementation. More...
class  HelpToolButton
 Tool button that uses te::qt::widgets::HelpManager on its mouse pressed implementation. More...
class  HiddenDataSetLayerSelector
 .... More...
class  HighlightDelegate
 An specialization of QItemDelegate to be used with te::map::AbstractTable objects. More...
class  Histogram
 A class to represent a Histogram. More...
class  HistogramChart
class  HistogramDataWidget
 A widget used to adjust a histogram's input data. More...
class  HistogramDialog
 A Dialog used to customize a Histogram parameters and generate it's ChartDisplayWidget. More...
class  HistogramFrame
 A frame for setting display options. More...
class  HistogramFrameFactory
 A factory to build the histogram frame object. More...
class  HistogramStyle
class  HistogramStyleWidget
 A widget used to adjust a histogram's style. More...
class  HorizontalSliderWidget
 ... More...
class  ImageOutlineWidget
 A dialog used to build a ImageOutlineWidget element. More...
class  IndexGroupItem
class  IndexItem
class  IndexWidget
 This class is used to define a Index DataSet class object. More...
class  Info
 This class implements a concrete tool to get informations about a specified feature using pointing operation. More...
struct  IntervalToObjectId
class  LayerAttributesWizardPage
 This class is used to define the layer attributes information. More...
class  LayerExplorer
 A widget designed to explore the layers of an application. More...
class  LayerPropertiesInfo
class  LayerPropertiesInfoWidget
class  LayerSearchWidget
 A widget used to search layers over list of layers. More...
class  LayerSearchWizardPage
class  LayerTreeModel
class  LayerTreeView
 A tree view for the layers of an application. More...
class  LayoutEditor
 A map editor .... More...
class  LayoutObject
class  Legend
class  LegendItem
class  LexerFactory
 A factory method for language lexers. More...
class  LineSymbolizerProperty
 A widget used to define the polygon symbolizer properties, such as: More...
class  LineSymbolizerWidget
 A widget used to build a line symbolizer element. More...
class  ListWidget
 ... More...
class  LocalGraphicWidget
 A widget used to build a graphic associate with an external graphic element that references a local image. e.g. a SVG file, a PNG file, etc. More...
class  LocalGraphicWidgetFactory
 A concrete factory that builds a graphic widget used to configure a graphic associate with an external graphic element that references a local image. e.g. a SVG file, a PNG file, etc. More...
class  LocalImagePropertyItem
 A widget used to define a local image graphic for a se symbolizer. More...
class  LocalImageWidget
 A widget used to build an external graphic element that references a local image. e.g. a SVG file, a PNG file, etc. More...
class  MapDisplay
 A widget to control the display of a set of layers. More...
class  MarkSymbol
 A class that specialize the QwtSymbol to draw a Terralib Mark. More...
class  Measure
 This class implements a concrete tool to measure operation (distance, area, and angle). More...
class  MixtureModelDialog
 A dialog used to execute mixture model decomposition. More...
class  MixtureModelDialogMDEventFilter
 A event filter to handle map display events. More...
class  MixtureModelWizard
 This class is GUI used to define the mixture model wizard for the RP constast operation. More...
class  MixtureModelWizardPage
 This class is GUI used to define the mixture model parameters for the RP constast operation. More...
class  Module
 This singleton defines the TerraLib Qt Widgets module entry. More...
class  MultiThreadMapDisplay
 A multi thread Qt4 widget to control the display of a set of layers. More...
class  NewPropertyDialog
 A dialog for creating a new property. More...
class  NewPropertyWidget
class  NumericPropertyWidget
 A widget used to define a string property. More...
class  NumericPropertyWidgetFactory
 A factory to build the string property widget object. More...
class  ObservationDialog
 A Dialog used to generate a new ObservationLayer. More...
class  OrderByWidget
 This class is used to define the ORDER BY object of select operation. More...
class  OrderByWizardPage
class  OverlapBehaviorWidget
 A dialog used to build a OverlapBehaviorWidget element. More...
class  OverlayDialog
 This class is a dialog for the Overlay widget. More...
class  OverlayWidget
 This class is used to define a component for viewing overlaid layers. More...
class  Pan
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic pan operation. More...
class  PanExtent
 This class implements a concrete tool to pan a user defined extent. More...
class  ParameterDialog
 A dialog to be used as input of key/value pairs. More...
class  ParameterTableWidget
 ... More...
class  PluginBuilderWizard
class  PluginCMakeWriter
 This class is used to create the cmake file for the new plugin builded. More...
class  PluginManagerDialog
class  PluginsModel
class  PluginSourceWriter
class  PointPicker
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic coordinate picker on mouse click operation. More...
class  PointSymbolizerProperty
 A widget used to define the point symbolizer properties, such as: More...
class  PointSymbolizerWidget
 A widget used to build a point symbolizer element. More...
struct  PointToObjectId
class  PolygonAcquire
 This class implements a concrete tool to acquire a polygon geometry. More...
class  PolygonSymbolizerProperty
 A widget used to define the polygon symbolizer properties, such as: More...
class  PolygonSymbolizerWidget
 A widget used to build a polygon symbolizer element. More...
class  PostGIS2SHPDialog
class  PrimaryKeyConstraintWidget
 This class is used to define a Primare Key Constraint DataSet class object. More...
class  PrimaryKeyItem
class  ProgressResetEvent
 The ProgressResetEvent is a custom event used to reset a progress bar. More...
class  ProgressSetMessageEvent
 The ProgressSetMessageEvent is a custom event used to set a new message into a progress bar. More...
class  ProgressSetValueEvent
 The ProgressSetValueEvent is a custom event used to set a new value into a progress bar. More...
class  ProgressViewerBar
 A class that defines the interface of a qt bar progress viewer. More...
class  ProgressViewerDialog
 A progress dialog. More...
class  ProgressViewerWidget
 A class that defines the interface of a qt widget to group a set of ProgressWidgetItem. More...
class  ProgressWidgetItem
 Custom widget used to represent a single task. More...
class  Promoter
 A class used for logical ordering of rows. More...
class  PropertyConverterDialog
 A dialog for creating a adaptor property converter. More...
class  PropertyGroupItem
class  PropertyItem
class  QueryBuilderWizard
class  QueryDialog
 This file defines a class for a Query Dialog Dialog. More...
class  QueryLayerBuilderWizard
class  QueryLayerItem
class  RasterHistogramDialog
 This class is a dialog for the RasterHistogram widget. More...
class  RasterHistogramWidget
 This class is used to define a component for viewing overlaid layers. More...
class  RasterInfoWidget
 This class is used to define a map of information necessary to create a raster. More...
class  RasterInfoWizardPage
 This class is GUI used to define the raster info parameters for raster factory. More...
class  RasterLayerItem
class  RasterNavigatorDialog
 This class is a dialog for the RasterNavigator widget. More...
class  RasterNavigatorWidget
 This class is used to navigate over a DataSetLayer (having a raster representation) and given a set of tools, such as, zoom in, zoom out, pan, recompose. Two new tools as created for raster interaction: More...
class  RasterNavigatorWizardPage
 This class is a wizard page for the RasterNavigator widget. More...
class  RasterSymbolizerDialog
 A dialog used to build a RasterSymbolizerDialog element. More...
class  RasterSymbolizerWidget
 A widget used to configure a Raster Symbolizer SE element. More...
class  ReadPixelTool
class  RegisterWizard
 A Qt wizard that allows users to register a image. More...
class  RemoveProgressWidgetItemEvent
 The RemoveProgressWidgetItem is a custom event used to remove a progress widget item. More...
class  RemoveProperty
class  RenameProperty
class  ResourceChooser
 Defines a component for choosing a file or directory. More...
class  RubberBand
 This class provides a rectangle that can indicate a boundary. More...
class  Scatter
 A class to represent a scatter. More...
class  ScatterChart
 A class to represent a scatter chart. More...
class  ScatterDataWidget
class  ScatterDialog
 A dialog used to customize a Scatter parameters and generate it's ChartDisplayWidget. More...
class  ScatterFrame
 A frame for setting display options. More...
class  ScatterFrameFactory
 A factory to build the scatter frame object. More...
class  ScatterStyle
class  ScatterStyleWidget
 A widget used to adjust a scatter's style. More...
class  ScopedCursor
 An object that when created shows a cursor during its scope. More...
class  ScriptIconFactory
 A factory method for language icons. More...
class  ScriptWidget
 A widget that can be used to show and control he execution of a script. More...
class  SegmenterAdvancedOptionsWizardPage
 This class is GUI used to define the segmenter advanced options parameters for the RP constast operation. More...
class  SegmenterDialog
 A dialog used to execute image segmentation. More...
class  SegmenterWizard
 This class is GUI used to define the segmenter wizard for the RP constast operation. More...
class  SegmenterWizardPage
 This class is GUI used to define the segmenter parameters for the RP constast operation. More...
class  SelectedChannelWidget
 A dialog used to build a SelectedChannelWidget element. More...
class  Selection
 This class implements a concrete tool to select layer features using an extent. More...
class  ShadedReliefWidget
 A dialog used to build a ShadedRelief element. More...
class  SHP2ADODialog
class  SHP2PostGISDialog
class  SimplePropertyWidget
 A base widget for simple properties. More...
class  SimplePropertyWidgetFactory
 A factory to build widget objects. More...
class  SRSManagerDialog
 A dialog used to build a SRSManagerDialog element. More...
class  StringPropertyWidget
 A widget used to define a string property. More...
class  StringPropertyWidgetFactory
 A factory to build the string property widget object. More...
class  StringScaleDraw
class  StyleControllerWidget
 A widget used to controll the style se element. More...
class  StyleDockWidget
 A dock widget used control the geographic data style using SE elements and a property browser to show its properties. More...
class  StyleExplorer
 A widget used to explore a style. More...
class  Symbol
 This class represents a symbol. TODO: More description! More...
class  SymbolEditorWidget
 A widget used to edit symbols. More...
struct  SymbolInfo
 Information about a given Symbol. More...
class  SymbolInfoDialog
 A dialog used to configure informations about a symbol. More...
class  SymbolLibrary
 This class represents a library of symbols. More...
class  SymbolLibraryManager
 The SymbolLibraryManager is a singleton that can be used to manage all loaded symbol libraries in TerraLib. More...
class  SymbologyPreview
class  SymbolPreviewWidget
 A widget used to preview symbol elements. More...
class  SymbolSelectorDialog
 A dialog used to select a specific symbol. More...
class  SymbolTableWidget
 A widget used to preview a symbol as separated layers. More...
class  TemporalPropertiesWidget
 A widget used to adjust a temporal layer's properties. More...
class  TextFrame
 A TextFrame .... More...
class  TiePointData
class  TiePointLocatorDialog
class  TiePointLocatorWidget
 This class is used to define a widget for tie point acquirement. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorAdvancedDialog
 A dialog used to execute tie points location advanced options. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorDialog
 A dialog used to execute tie points location. More...
class  TiePointsLocatorDialogMDEventFilter
 A event filter to handle map display events. More...
class  TimePropertiesDialog
 A dialog used to configure the behaviour of the TimeSliderWidget. More...
class  TimeSeriesDialog
 A Dialog used to generate a new TimeSeriesLayer. More...
class  TimeSeriesPropertiesWidget
 A widget used to adjust a time series layer's properties. More...
class  TimeSliderWidget
 A wdiget used to control the visualization of temporal data. More...
class  TrajectoryDialog
 A Dialog used to generate a new TrajectoryLayer. More...
class  TrajectoryPropertiesWidget
 A widget used to adjust a Trajectory layer's properties. More...
class  UniqueKeyConstraintWidget
 This class is used to define a Unique Key Constraint DataSet class object. More...
class  UniqueKeyItem
class  UpdateProperty
class  UTMGridFrame
 A UTMGridFrame .... More...
class  WellKnownGraphicWidget
 A widget used to build a graphic associate with a well-known mark element. More...
class  WellKnownGraphicWidgetFactory
 A concrete factory that builds a graphic widget used to configure a graphic associate with an one well-known mark element. More...
class  WellKnownMarkDialog
 A dialog used to build a well known mark element. If you want to use this dialog, you can use commands like: te::se::Mark* m = te::qt::widgets::MarkDialog::getMark(0, parent, "Title"); te::se::Mark* m = te::qt::widgets::MarkDialog::getMark(initialMark, parent, "Title"); ... delete m; More...
class  WellKnownMarkPropertyItem
 A widget used to define the mark se properties. More...
class  WellKnownMarkRenderer
 A concrete renderer based on Qt4 for conversion of Symbology Enconding Mark elements to an image pattern. It considers basic marks defined on Symbology Enconding Specification: "square", "circle", "triangle", "star", "cross", and "x". More...
class  WellKnownMarkWidget
 A widget used to build a well known mark element. More...
class  WhereClauseWidget
 This class is used to define the WHERE object of select operation. More...
class  WhereClauseWizardPage
 This class is a wizard page with the WhereClauseWidget component. More...
class  Zoom
 This is a utility class to geographic zoom operation. More...
class  ZoomArea
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom in operation using a boundary rectangle. More...
class  ZoomClick
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the mouse click. More...
class  ZoomInMapDisplayWidget
 This class defines the map display ZoomIn, this component is only a specific map that shows the current extent in a larger scale. More...
class  ZoomKeyboard
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the keyboard. More...
class  ZoomLeftAndRightClick
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the left and right mouse clicks. More...
class  ZoomWheel
 This class implements a concrete tool to geographic zoom operation using the mouse wheel. More...


typedef std::map
< te::dt::AbstractData
*, unsigned int,
 Histogram's values. More...
< IntervalToObjectId,
< boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique
< boost::multi_index::identity
< IntervalToObjectId >
>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< IntervalToObjectId,
std::string,&IntervalToObjectId::getObjIdAsString > > > > 
< PointToObjectId,
< boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique
< boost::multi_index::identity
< PointToObjectId >
>, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique
< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun
< PointToObjectId, std::string,&PointToObjectId::getObjIdAsString > > > > 


enum  ChartType { HISTOGRAM_CHART = 1001, SCATTER_CHART = 1002 }
enum  SymbolType { PolygonSymbol, LineSymbol, PointSymbol }


TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void AddFilePathToSettings (const QString &path, const QString &typeFile)
 Save last used path in QSettings. More...
void Config (QPen &pen, const te::se::Stroke *stroke)
 It configs the given pen based on Symbology Enconding Stroke element. More...
void Config (QBrush &brush, const te::se::Fill *fill)
 It configs the given brush based on Symbology Enconding Fill element. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void Config2DrawLayerSelection (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &selectionColor, const te::gm::GeomType &type)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw a layer selection. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void Config2DrawLines (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &color, const std::size_t &width=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw lines. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void Config2DrawPoints (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &color, const std::size_t &width=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw points. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void Config2DrawPoints (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QString &markName, const std::size_t &size, const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &contourColor, const std::size_t &contourWidth=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw points. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void Config2DrawPolygons (te::map::Canvas *canvas, const QColor &fillColor, const QColor &contourColor, const std::size_t &contourWidth=1)
 It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw polygons. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QColor Convert2Qt (const te::color::RGBAColor &color)
 It converts a TerraLib Color to Qt Color. More...
Convert2TerraLib (const QColor &color)
 It converts a Qt Color to TerraLib Color. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT HistogramcreateHistogram (te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propId, int slices)
 Histogram Creator. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT HistogramcreateHistogram (te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propId)
 Histogram Creator. More...
createLayer (const std::string &driverName, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &connInfo)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QPixmap CreatePixmapIcon (const int &size, const QColor &penColor, const QColor &brushColor, const int &contourSize)
 It creates a pixmap to use as icon (to be used as legend icon). More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT ScattercreateScatter (te::da::DataSet *dataset, te::da::DataSetType *dataType, int propX, int propY)
 Scatter Creator. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QAction * FindAction (const QString &actText, QMenu *mnu)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QAction * FindAction (const QString &actText, QMenuBar *mnuBar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * FindMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenu *mnu)
 Finds a menu item in the mnu object. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * FindMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenuBar *bar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QString GetFilePathFromSettings (const QString &typeFile)
 Returns the value of the last saved file path for the typeFile required. More...
const char * GetFormat (te::map::ImageType t)
 It returns the file format as a NULL terminated string. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QImage * GetImage (te::color::RGBAColor **img, int width, int height)
 It creates a QImage from an RGBA color array. More...
te::color::RGBAColor ** 
GetImage (QImage *img)
 It creates a RGBA color array from a QImage. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * GetMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenu *mnu)
 Gets a menu or submenu contained in the mnu object. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QMenu * GetMenu (const QString &mnuText, QMenuBar *bar)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT void SetChildrenCheckState (QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column, Qt::CheckState state)
 It sets the check state for the children of a item. More...
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QwtText * Terralib2Qwt (const std::string &title)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QwtText * Terralib2Qwt (const std::string &text, te::color::RGBAColor *color, te::se::Font *font, te::se::Fill *backFill, te::se::Stroke *backStroke)
TEQTWIDGETSEXPORT QwtSymbol * Terralib2Qwt (te::se::Graphic *graphic)

Detailed Description

Namespace for the Qt Widgets module of TerraLib.

Typedef Documentation

Histogram's values.

Definition at line 71 of file HistogramUtils.h.

typedef boost::multi_index::multi_index_container< IntervalToObjectId, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::identity<IntervalToObjectId> >, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun<IntervalToObjectId, std::string, &IntervalToObjectId::getObjIdAsString> > > > te::qt::widgets::IntervalToObjectIdSet

Definition at line 106 of file HistogramUtils.h.

typedef boost::multi_index::multi_index_container< PointToObjectId, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::identity<PointToObjectId> >, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique< boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun<PointToObjectId, std::string, &PointToObjectId::getObjIdAsString> > > > te::qt::widgets::PointToObjectIdSet

Definition at line 85 of file ScatterUtils.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation





Definition at line 40 of file Enums.h.


Polygon symbol type


Line symbol type


Point symbol type

Definition at line 46 of file SymbolInfo.h.

Function Documentation

void te::qt::widgets::AddFilePathToSettings ( const QString &  path,
const QString &  typeFile 

Save last used path in QSettings.

pathThe path to last used file.
typeFileThe type of file opened. Actually we assume three values: "vector", "raster", "database". Any other value may be not used in the system.
The params are case sensitive. It means that a "Vector" value for the argument typeFile is unkowned by application.

Definition at line 351 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by te::qt::plugins::terralib4::TL4RasterFolderSelectionWizardPage::getPath(), te::qt::widgets::DatapPropertiesWidget::onInputDataToolButtonTriggered(), te::qt::plugins::gdal::Plugin::openFileDialog(), te::qt::plugins::ado::ADOCreatorDialog::searchDatabaseToolButtonPressed(), te::qt::plugins::ado::ADOConnectorDialog::searchDatabaseToolButtonPressed(), te::qt::plugins::gdal::GDALConnectorDialog::searchDatasetToolButtonPressed(), te::qt::plugins::ogr::OGRConnectorDialog::searchFeatureToolButtonPressed(), and te::qt::plugins::ogr::Plugin::showWindow().

void te::qt::widgets::Config ( QPen &  pen,
const te::se::Stroke stroke 

It configs the given pen based on Symbology Enconding Stroke element.

penThe pen that will be configured.
strokeThe Symbology Enconding Stroke element that will be used. If NULL, Qt::transparent color will be setted on pen.
Warning: It consider that the parameters of Stroke element is enconded using a Literal OGC Filter expression.

Definition at line 38 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::map::BevelJoin, te::color::RGBAColor::getAlpha(), te::map::GetColor(), te::se::Stroke::getDashArray(), te::map::GetDashStyle(), te::map::GetInt(), te::se::Stroke::getLineCap(), te::se::Stroke::getLineJoin(), te::color::RGBAColor::getRgba(), te::map::GetString(), te::se::Stroke::getWidth(), te::map::MiterJoin, te::map::RoundCap, te::map::RoundJoin, te::map::SquareCap, TE_OPAQUE, TE_SE_DEFAULT_STROKE_BASIC_COLOR, TE_SE_ROUND_CAP, and TE_SE_ROUND_JOIN.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::HistogramChart::HistogramChart(), te::qt::widgets::GlyphMarkRenderer::render(), te::qt::widgets::WellKnownMarkRenderer::render(), and te::qt::widgets::HistogramChart::setHistogramStyle().

void te::qt::widgets::Config ( QBrush &  brush,
const te::se::Fill fill 

It configs the given brush based on Symbology Enconding Fill element.

brushThe brush that will be configured.
fillThe Symbology Enconding Fill element that will be used. If NULL, Qt::transparent color will be setted on brush.
Warning: It consider that the parameters of Fill element is enconded using a Literal OGC Filter expression.

Definition at line 97 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::color::RGBAColor::getAlpha(), te::map::GetColor(), te::color::RGBAColor::getRgba(), TE_OPAQUE, and TE_SE_DEFAULT_FILL_BASIC_COLOR.

void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawLines ( te::map::Canvas canvas,
const QColor &  color,
const std::size_t &  width = 1 

It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw lines.

canvasThe canvas that will be configured. Do not pass NULL!
colorThe color that will be used to draw the lines.
widthThe width that will be used to draw the lines.

Definition at line 230 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::ogr::Convert2TerraLib(), te::map::Canvas::setLineColor(), and te::map::Canvas::setLineWidth().

Referenced by Config2DrawLayerSelection(), and te::qt::widgets::DataSetDisplay::draw().

void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawPoints ( te::map::Canvas canvas,
const QColor &  color,
const std::size_t &  width = 1 

It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw points.

canvasThe canvas that will be configured. Do not pass NULL!
colorThe color that will be used to draw the points.
widthThe width that will be used to draw the points.

Definition at line 236 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::ogr::Convert2TerraLib(), te::map::Canvas::setPointColor(), and te::map::Canvas::setPointWidth().

Referenced by Config2DrawLayerSelection(), and te::qt::widgets::DataSetDisplay::draw().

void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawPoints ( te::map::Canvas canvas,
const QString &  markName,
const std::size_t &  size,
const QColor &  fillColor,
const QColor &  contourColor,
const std::size_t &  contourWidth = 1 

It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw points.

canvasThe canvas that will be configured. Do not pass NULL!
markNameThe mark name that will be used to draw the points.
sizeThe size that will be used to draw the points.
fillColorThe color that will be used to fill the mark.
contourColorThe color that will be used to contour the mark.
contourWidthThe width that will be used to contour the mark.

Definition at line 242 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::se::CreateFill(), te::se::CreateMark(), te::se::CreateStroke(), te::common::Free(), te::common::Singleton< MarkRendererManager >::getInstance(), te::map::Canvas::setPointColor(), te::map::Canvas::setPointPattern(), and TE_TRANSPARENT.

void te::qt::widgets::Config2DrawPolygons ( te::map::Canvas canvas,
const QColor &  fillColor,
const QColor &  contourColor,
const std::size_t &  contourWidth = 1 

It configs (i.e. prepares) the given canvas to draw polygons.

canvasThe canvas that will be configured. Do not pass NULL!
fillColorThe color that will be used to fill the polygons.
contourColorThe color that will be used to contour the polygons.
contourWidthThe width that will be used to contour the polygons.

Definition at line 223 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::ogr::Convert2TerraLib(), te::map::Canvas::setPolygonContourColor(), te::map::Canvas::setPolygonContourWidth(), and te::map::Canvas::setPolygonFillColor().

Referenced by Config2DrawLayerSelection(), and te::qt::widgets::DataSetDisplay::draw().

QColor te::qt::widgets::Convert2Qt ( const te::color::RGBAColor color)

It converts a TerraLib Color to Qt Color.

colorThe TerraLib Color that will be converted.

Definition at line 216 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::color::RGBAColor::getRgba().

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::ChartRenderer::drawBars(), te::qt::widgets::ChartRenderer::drawPies(), te::qt::widgets::ChartItem::fetchMore(), and te::qt::widgets::ChartLayerWidget::setChart().

te::color::RGBAColor te::qt::widgets::Convert2TerraLib ( const QColor &  color)

It converts a Qt Color to TerraLib Color.

colorThe Qt Color that will be converted.

Definition at line 211 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::ChartLayerWidget::buildChart().

te::qt::widgets::Histogram * te::qt::widgets::createHistogram ( te::da::DataSet dataset,
te::da::DataSetType dataType,
int  propId,
int  slices 

Histogram Creator.

datasetThe dataset that will be used to populate the histogram's data
dataTypeThe dataType that will be used to recover the objectIds associated with the given dataset.
propIdThe id of the property that contains the data
slicesThe desired number of intervals
It will traverse the data set, using the moveNext() method
It will not take the ownership of the "dataset" pointer.
It will not take the ownership of the "dataType" pointer.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned histogram pointer.
a new Histogram

Definition at line 262 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::dt::DOUBLE_TYPE, te::dt::FLOAT_TYPE, getDouble(), te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::getInterval(), te::da::DataSet::getNumProperties(), getObjectIds(), te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos(), te::da::DataSet::getPropertyDataType(), te::da::DataSet::getRaster(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::insert(), te::dt::INT16_TYPE, te::common::TaskProgress::isActive(), te::da::DataSet::moveBeforeFirst(), te::da::DataSet::moveNext(), te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE, te::common::TaskProgress::pulse(), te::dt::RASTER_TYPE, te::qt::widgets::Histogram::setInterval(), te::common::TaskProgress::setMessage(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::setMinValue(), te::common::TaskProgress::setTotalSteps(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::setType(), and te::dt::UINT64_TYPE.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::HistogramDataWidget::getHistogram(), and te::qt::widgets::RasterHistogramWidget::onRedToolButtonToggled().

te::qt::widgets::Histogram * te::qt::widgets::createHistogram ( te::da::DataSet dataset,
te::da::DataSetType dataType,
int  propId 

Histogram Creator.

datasetThe dataset that will be used to populate the histogram's data
dataTypeThe dataType that will be used to recover the objectIds associated with the given dataset.
propIdThe id of the property that contains the data
This version is used to create a histogram based on a set of labels (Strings), therefore there is no user-defined number of intervals, each unique label is an interval
It will traverse the data set, using the moveNext() method
It will not take the ownership of the "dataset" pointer.
It will not take the ownership of the "dataType" pointer.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned histogram pointer.
a new Histogram

Definition at line 380 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::dt::DATETIME_TYPE, te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos(), getObjectIds(), te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos(), te::da::DataSet::getPropertyDataType(), te::da::DataSet::getRaster(), te::da::DataSet::getString(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::insert(), te::common::TaskProgress::isActive(), te::da::DataSet::moveBeforeFirst(), te::da::DataSet::moveNext(), te::common::TaskProgress::pulse(), te::dt::RASTER_TYPE, te::common::TaskProgress::setMessage(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::setStringInterval(), te::qt::widgets::Histogram::setType(), and te::dt::STRING_TYPE.

QPixmap te::qt::widgets::CreatePixmapIcon ( const int &  size,
const QColor &  penColor,
const QColor &  brushColor,
const int &  contourSize 

It creates a pixmap to use as icon (to be used as legend icon).

sizeThe height and width for the pixmap.
penColorThe color that will be used to set the pen.
brushColorThe color that will be used to set the brush.
contourSizeThe countour size.

Definition at line 324 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::ChartSliceItem::data(), and te::qt::widgets::ChartLayerWidget::updateUi().

te::qt::widgets::Scatter * te::qt::widgets::createScatter ( te::da::DataSet dataset,
te::da::DataSetType dataType,
int  propX,
int  propY 

Scatter Creator.

datasetThe dataset that will be used to populate the scatter's data
dataTypeThe dataType that will be used to recover the objectIds associated with the given dataset.
propXThe id of the property that contains the data of the x axis.
propYThe id of the property that contains the data of the y axis.
It will traverse the data set, using the moveNext() method
It will not take the ownership of the "dataset" pointer.
It will not take the ownership of the "dataType" pointer.
The caller will take the ownership of the returned scatter pointer.
a new Scatter

Definition at line 155 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::qt::widgets::Scatter::addData(), te::qt::widgets::Scatter::addX(), te::qt::widgets::Scatter::addY(), te::qt::widgets::Scatter::calculateMinMaxValues(), te::dt::DATETIME_TYPE, te::dt::DOUBLE_TYPE, te::dt::FLOAT_TYPE, te::da::DataSet::getDateTime(), getDouble(), te::da::GetFirstPropertyPos(), te::da::DataSet::getNumProperties(), getObjectIds(), te::da::GetOIDPropertyPos(), te::da::DataSet::getPropertyDataType(), te::da::DataSet::getRaster(), te::dt::INT16_TYPE, te::common::TaskProgress::isActive(), te::da::DataSet::isNull(), te::da::DataSet::moveNext(), te::dt::NUMERIC_TYPE, te::common::TaskProgress::pulse(), te::dt::RASTER_TYPE, te::common::TaskProgress::setMessage(), te::common::TaskProgress::setTotalSteps(), and te::dt::UINT64_TYPE.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::ScatterDataWidget::getScatter().

QAction * te::qt::widgets::FindAction ( const QString &  actText,
QMenu *  mnu 

Definition at line 131 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by te::qt::af::ApplicationController::findAction().

QAction * te::qt::widgets::FindAction ( const QString &  actText,
QMenuBar *  mnuBar 

Definition at line 136 of file Utils.cpp.

QMenu * te::qt::widgets::FindMenu ( const QString &  mnuText,
QMenu *  mnu 

Finds a menu item in the mnu object.

Use this function to find menus and submenus. There is a sintaxe that is for required sub-menus. Use the names separated by "." character, e.g to return a menu named "Layers" inside another menu named "Add" calls this function using "Add.Layers" as the value of the mnuText argument.

Pay attention on the translations.
mnuTextName of the QMenu searched.
mnuThe menu where the submenu must be searched.
The pointer to the QMenu object or NULL if it do not exists.

Definition at line 121 of file Utils.cpp.

Referenced by CreateMenu(), te::qt::af::ApplicationController::findMenu(), and GetMenu().

QMenu * te::qt::widgets::FindMenu ( const QString &  mnuText,
QMenuBar *  bar 

Definition at line 126 of file Utils.cpp.

QString te::qt::widgets::GetFilePathFromSettings ( const QString &  typeFile)
te::color::RGBAColor ** te::qt::widgets::GetImage ( QImage *  img)

It creates a RGBA color array from a QImage.

imgQImage that will be converted.
Image - a square matrix of int's where each position corresponds to a RGBA color.
The caller of this method will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

Definition at line 83 of file Utils.cpp.

QMenu * te::qt::widgets::GetMenu ( const QString &  mnuText,
QMenu *  mnu 

Gets a menu or submenu contained in the mnu object.

This function searches by the menu exactly as the FindMenu function. The difference is that if the menu do not exists, this function will create it, in all levels that may be required. Use the syntax described above to the search / create the submenus desired.

mnuTextName of the menu. (This will be used as texts of the menus.)
mnuThe menu that will used in search.
A pointer to a QMenu object.

Definition at line 176 of file Utils.cpp.

References CreateMenu(), and FindMenu().

Referenced by te::qt::af::ApplicationController::getMenu().

QMenu * te::qt::widgets::GetMenu ( const QString &  mnuText,
QMenuBar *  bar 

Definition at line 193 of file Utils.cpp.

References CreateMenu(), and FindMenu().

void te::qt::widgets::SetChildrenCheckState ( QTreeWidgetItem *  item,
int  column,
Qt::CheckState  state 

It sets the check state for the children of a item.

Definition at line 48 of file Utils.cpp.

QwtText * te::qt::widgets::Terralib2Qwt ( const std::string &  title)


This function returns a default QwtText.

titleA text.
A QwtText
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.

Definition at line 483 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::map::SolidLine.

Referenced by te::qt::widgets::ScatterStyle::getSymbol().

QwtText * te::qt::widgets::Terralib2Qwt ( const std::string &  text,
te::color::RGBAColor color,
te::se::Font font,
te::se::Fill backFill,
te::se::Stroke backStroke 


This function translates TerraLib text styles into a QwtText.

textA text
colorThe text's color
fontThe text's font
backFillThe text's background fill
backStrokeThe text's background stroke
A QwtText
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
It will not take the ownership of given "font", "backFill" and "backStroke"" pointers.

Definition at line 491 of file Utils.cpp.

QwtSymbol * te::qt::widgets::Terralib2Qwt ( te::se::Graphic graphic)


This function translates a terralib's Graphic object into a QWTSymbol object.

graphicThe graphic that will be used to generate the symbol.
A QwtSymbol
The caller will take the ownership of the returned pointer.
It will not take the ownership of the Graphic pointer.

Definition at line 500 of file Utils.cpp.

References te::se::Graphic::getExternalGraphics(), GetImage(), te::common::Singleton< ExternalGraphicRendererManager >::getInstance(), te::common::Singleton< MarkRendererManager >::getInstance(), te::map::GetInt(), te::se::Graphic::getMarks(), and te::se::Graphic::getSize().